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Everything posted by smokin5s

  1. I use GOWIPE or GOWIWI for most war attacks... we do so many war attacks that I rarely raid anymore... I do keep my TH out for farming so I can build up resources and hope people don't actually go for mine and instead go for trophies.
  2. I play alot... my department plays... I've spent way too much money on this game or I would have quit a long time ago. I am a fully maxed out TH9... there is nothing more I can upgrade except for walls before going to TH10 and I'm hesitant to go there since once at that level the people there have gemmed to the point that it's impossible to beat them.
  3. You are correct sir... she will see that she doesn't have to and will learn to turn Cassey against you. I'm living that dream daily
  4. Mike knows more about this situation then most since he knows both of us and is a friend outside of CR. He is right, and I also appreciate other things not being mentioned. I could say alot of other things but I don't feel comfortable with posting on a public message forum. I think I got what I wanted out of this thread. It seems like how I was raised and believe is alot more different than the norm that I would expected.. that and some people's kids will never hang out with mine :-P
  5. Kerry, here's the big thing, we have no proof that the white honda entered the intersection to "block the box" The video started with him already there... I've been in situations before where the light is completely green, just turned green, then some asshole in front of me stopped or something else happened and the light turned... at that point the guy behind me is on my ass so I can't back up so my only choice is to continue to clear the intersection... it was pretty cut and dry that the white honda was trying to clear the intersection and the biker had rage, tried to be the stereotypical tool biker who drives between cars, on burms etc... and hit the white honda... He's completely at fault and I hope he is forced to go to some sort of drivers ed to learn to not drive with rage, obey laws, and is never allowed to drive a motorcycle again.
  6. dude, obviously that last statement isnt true... it was more on the fact that I wasn't getting any last night because of a fight... your rules your house goes regardless of age, but honestly, I have no idea of how else to explain respect to you... it's something you have to learn.
  7. I said disrespectful... the definition of disrespectful is lacking courtesy or esteem and yes, this is a lack of courtesy since it's my house and my rules... kids don't get to fuck in my house... hell, I don't get to fuck in my house... so she sure as hell isn't going to.
  8. Alamony is the biggest hunk of horse shit I've ever heard of in my entire life.. go get a job and make your own money... if you are a team then I'm ok with dealing with finances... if you are not longer together, go get off your ass and get your own job... Sorry that's just a huge sore spot for me. I will answer your questions as honestly and unbiased as I possibly can. Yes and no about being a good kid. She is quite possibly one of the most disrespectful people I have ever met in my entire life and thinks she is owed the world. Listening? Only when I threaten or do take her cell phone. Followed the Rules? Some, but most she doesn't until she gets caught and then still doesn't once she gets out of trouble. As far as grades, she's never been what you'd consider a good student and 2 years ago my wife (without my agreement or consent) took her out of school and put her in home schooling where she cheated the system to "graduate" with that being said, she recieved a certificate and not a diploma. No I have ZERO issues with her being a lesbian... when she told us, I was more worried about what was for dinner than her sexual preference. As far as finding other places... fine, just not in my home... I did it in the back of cars, hotel rooms when I could afford it, (hell even the locker room of the high school) so what? that was my prerogative... I'm not disillusioned thinking that she doesn't have a sex drive at her age.. again, it's about doing it in my house.
  9. I'm trying to understand why everyone thinks being almost 18 makes it ok to do that in my house? To this day if my parents asked me not to (they never had to.. I respected them too much for that) I would respect their wishes... hell if my inlaws weren't such assholes and seem to think it's all ok, I probably wouldn't have done it in their house even though my wife and I were married at the time... I don't understand how anyone doesn't think it's not a respect thing... I feel as though I'm alot older than 34 with my belief systems after hearing everyone elses. And there's alot worse things than me looking at her like she's still 7 years old. I agree that they should go get a hotel room... unfortunately that's not an option right now.
  10. My mom is the Italian, my dad was a mutt.... my mom ruled the roost....
  11. her grand mother said that they could stay with her.... them having a place to stay isn't the issue... it's if they should be staying at our house or not that is more the issue or not. I was raised in a strict Italian house hold, my wife was allowed to do anything she wanted from the time she could walk. It's a different mentality and I'm looking for outsiders to give me their opinion. I will have to say I'm very surprised at the responses I've gotten... I guess my question should also be, the people who have answered, how old are they and how old are their kids if they have any.
  12. so far it feels like I took a big dump on my plate and then shoveled it back into my mouth with just thinking about allowing it to happen.... but it looks like I"m wrong... to be honest the only person in 2 pages of posts that says that I'm right is you, and you believe that my wife is beneath me because I pay the bills... Sorry dude, but not exactly the person to tell me that I'm right when everyone else is saying I'm not... we'll see what other posts come over night... but if I'm wrong I'm wrong... I will just be up their ass the entire time if I allow it and I'll make sure that they go to bed when I do and set an alarm on one of the doors
  13. not in this thread dude... this is asking for advice... We can have the Athiest conversation in a different thread if you'd like...
  14. Actually I'm leaning the exact oposite way... If I'm wrong I'm wrong
  15. I am independant, Athiest, I drive a new SHO or a Z71 Avalanche depending on the weather... I just don't think my wife is beneath me and her and I are supposed to be a team regardless of what she says or thinks.
  16. masses.... so far it looks like the majority thinks that I'm wrong... which would tend me to think that I am wrong.... I'm looking at this as you guys are my jury... minus the comments about seeing them.. like I said... you guys don't want that.
  17. wrong answer dude... the fact that I pay for the house doesn't make my say any more than my wife's... believe me, I hear it enough how I act like it does but it doesn't... her opinion is just as important as mine is. She takes care of my daughter while I'm at work...
  18. I have no illusion of what they are or aren't doing... I just don't want it done under my roof... it's just a respect thing to me. Aaron, asking strangers about their opinion yes will help tell me if I'm wrong or not. If I am then I can control myself enough to make changes to fix it. Just because I think I'm right, but the masses say I'm wrong, that doesn't mean that I'm right... again doesn't mean that I'm wrong either, but it does give me something to think about... make sense?
  19. well yes, my mind is made up, I'm just trying to find out if I'm wrong or not... People are able to change if they are wrong... first step is identifying if I'm wrong or not.
  20. I am the bread winner, I was raised old school, yes, it's a matter of respect of my house hold. No I"m not ok with it. Being the breadwinner isn't a card I will nor am willing to play against my wife. She is home with my 4 year old all day... some would say that is more difficult than me working 2 jobs. For the comment about at 18 they can tell me to go fuck off... well they can say that once off my property... while on my property and in my house, they will show respect or they won't be there long. I did have a talk with her before she went and stayed at the girls parents house for a week... talking a big game about how she wouldn't do that in their house, how disrespectful it was, etc... then came home with hickies everywhere and talking about things that I didn't want to hear. I never did it in my parents house and didn't do it in my inlaws until my wife and I were married and stayed there for a month while our house was being built. To me there's a big difference between 30 and married than 17 and living under your parents roof.
  21. Daughter turns 18 in a few months. She has a girlfriend who lives out of town (actual girlfriend, not just a friend) Would you be ok with her girlfriend staying with you when they have proven to not obey the rules and keep their hands off of each other as well as proven they will not stay in seperate beds? Wife and I have completely oposite opinions on this, I beleive their dating partner regardless of gender should never stay the night under our roof, she believes they can fuck on the kitchen table for all she cares because she did it when she was 18 and would rather her be safe at home then in the back seat of a car. I feel it's sending the wrong message and I'm firmly against it... who's right and who's wrong? And no I will not post their pictures, neither one of them you would be interested in seeing anyways.
  22. ExtremeATV in Mt Gilead is who I take mine too
  23. I have a dog and a house alarm... this is more to monitor myself, even when at work or if we go out of town etc.. we can keep an eye on my teenage daughter or things like when someone takes the time and effort to dig up my train tile and cut my cable line in the ground, I can see their face and maybe get an idea of who it is... we live in the country and I could probably pick out by body type, how they walk, etc.... even if they are wearing a mask. (or bust the neighbor kids who have damaged my property before)
  24. how bright are they? there are a few places that I'd like to mount these that would be extremly helpful for low light areas but yes my property is pretty well lit. Also do you still need an electrical gange box to mount them or do they just screw into a stud?
  25. Check out Ooma... I have them for a home phone and have for years... they offer a business solution as well... they are highly recommended.
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