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Everything posted by coryscobra

  1. I said it once and I will say it again Kimbo would get killed by Lesnar. Lesnar will be heavy weight champ with the next year or so for sure.
  2. IMO Lesner would kill Kimbo.....I honestly think if they would have stopped the fight against Mir he would have knocked him out and Mir. is no joke before he got in the motorcycle accident he was one of the most dangerous guys in UFC. Everyone says Kimbo has no ground game but we havent even had a chance to see it yet? I watched the Kimbo vs. Tank fight and it was sad....and yes they were talking about Shamrock being his next fight. I think that they should let Kimbo in the UFC but let him fight someone decent and if he is good he will work is way up period.
  3. You just said the problem..."no bottle heater, and no guage"?? With this weather and a 75 shot it probably didnt even hit...get a heater and a guage and spray that bitch at 1100psi and come back and let us know...good luck man
  4. Nice car man.....sounds good and made great numbers....this summer should be a lot of fun
  5. Yes they are loud...but the top end pull of an F-1 is amazing so it would make for a strong combo on ur vette!!!
  6. http://www.svtperformance.com/forums/showthread.php?t=426538
  7. shutup fag Zane wanted to see it!!!!!!!!!!
  8. lol.....and I've never lost to an 03 Cobra......
  9. lol I just put it to the top cuz someone wanted to see that couldnt find it.
  10. Yes that would be cool.....
  11. Nice car man sounds great and strong numbers...what gears do you have...also i would like to meet up with you this spring and have some friendly runs?
  12. mike you need to tint ur windows asap!!!!!!!
  13. Looks good....should make somewhere around 500rwhp.
  14. That is crazy.......a lot of people can say a lot of different things but untill (and I hope nobody is ever in that situation) you dont know what you will do besides follow your instinct.
  15. Do it man...........will you guys work on Mustangs?
  16. car sounds and looks great I would to run you in the spring?
  17. nice car man.....got any power numbers on the car?
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