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Posts posted by coryscobra

  1. For those of you that know Cavin, know that he is not the same kid he was a few years ago. Even if Cavin is just a tackling dumbing he is still at practice every day working towards getting some playing time.


    Really!? If so thats awesome man I am happy for him....I havent seen him for years but when we all hung out he seemed very weak and uncoordinated but did have a big frame....goes to show what you can do when you work hard.

  2. I wish your boys car was still the monster you thought it was just so i could show you that the hot wheel will run over top them turds. Steve is faster than me so i why would we bring the slow car.


    lol ok well I have already told steve he will prolly win....I like steve I would like to see him win. The cobra he is racing is the slowest of the 4 down there. BTW- My bench racing calculator is more accurate than yours....you would have lost.

  3. Easy there steve i hear the worlds fastest fords are in that area.


    Nope not the one that would have blasted you lol, he fried his charger and his car is for sale.....this is a slower cobra racing steve. Why havent you and steve raced yet? There is what 1 good running cobra in cbus and he only runs at the track....I just try and find you guys good races.

  4. Yeah it wouldn't have mattered if I Brake Boosted, The STI is Stout, But has nothing for the Turbo Z28, It would have been the same outcome with My Old 402 SS:(


    I am friends with the kid you traded and the 402 is faster than the STI....but yes both would lose to steve. You have to brake noost the shit out of the STI and power shift but it still doesnt have much up top.

  5. a 500rwhp fbody will walk a 500rwhp 03-04 cobra.


    I disagree....but then again I proved it time and time again. Wish you would have came down and ran the 100x I asked you. Judging from the way you pulled Garret and the way i pulled Garret you would have been in for a suprise....also steve said judging from you and his race and me and his race he said I may have pulled you and I just had a pullied cobra.....oh well we will never know now.

  6. 17 with a '96 Cobra? How does this happen?


    We're harsh because for some reason no one can read how to create a proper intro post. Is that our fault, no. I guess they just aren't teaching reading comprehension in high school anymore.


    obviously it does....young kids have nice cars these days I had a 98 GT at 18 and 03 mach 1 at 19 I paid for both of them. it just cracks me up people come on here because they love cars and want to learn and half the people on here bash the fuck out of them becuase they didnt make an intro perfectly set to your guys standards.....95% of the people on here dont do shit with cars (as in race them, mod them etc.)

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