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Everything posted by SLOWLX

  1. Just watch out for the curbs hahaha
  2. Got some good advise about taking a 5 hour shot before you drink and wake up with no hangover Good meeting some of you guys but the rain sucked
  3. I finally got Saturday off so if it doesn't rain i'll be there
  4. Can you do anything about stains on wheels had a guy put acid cleaner on them I think it stained the clearcoat
  5. My church is doing Vacation Bible School And looking to get some made Who does it? Good Deal?
  6. Hello I am selling a whole Fosgate system consisting of 2 Fosgate P3 12's In a sealed box along with a Punch 801 amp 2400 watts and a 1 farad cap Sounds Real Good still in car for you to hear $400.00 http://i634.photobucket.com/albums/uu64/14alero/systempics.jpg

    Need some help

    What Makes me so mad is that they have worked all there life but a person from another country gets the support so fast and free pisses me off

    Need some help

    Ok I'll Check into it thanks alot guys

    Need some help

    I guess my mother in law Is getting ready to lose her job first week of may so then they won't have health insurance I'm really worried about my father In law he is on unemployment Also and he has diebetes real bad Is there a way they can get there medicine for free or discount?
  10. There's always someone there to say something bad about it I'm glad I sold mine he said
  11. Just drove by there must be doing it every Wed. Had a sign out front saying $10,$15,$30
  12. What time do you guys stay there till?
  13. What kinda watts and size box does this need to bump good
  14. I'd like it lower then lowering springs but coilovers are 900 bucks for good ones
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