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Everything posted by caseyctsv

  1. Congrats man. Makes all of the work worth it I am sure!
  2. While I don't think the dems are solely to blame - from your article link: Earlier in the current decade Fannie and Freddie successfully fought a full-scale attempt by the White House and some brave Republican legislators to clamp down on their operations, after they were caught perpetrating accounting frauds
  3. You sir are a hack job. Are you seriously going to try to argue that FNMA and Freddie were not the key to this mortgage meltdown? Clearly you have no clue how the mortgage market works. It doesn't matter who originates the loans - these Mortgage Service Co's as you call them - it matters who ends up owning the asset. You see the "Mortgage Service Companies" don't end up owning the mortgage because that would tie up their cash and keep them from making more loans. So the originating company looks for someone to buy the mortgages. Gee who could possibly be in the market to buy these mortgages I have so I can make more loans? You guessed it FNMA and FHLMC. While Fannie and Freddie did not buy all of the mortgage loans the mortgages they did buy allowed the "mortgage servicers" to go out and take bigger risks. For the record, Fannie and Freddie were both buying subprime and Alt A as well - not just conforming. Do I really think the Dems caused all of this? No - it was pure greed. Most politicians are worthless and will only do or say what they need to to keep their cushy 200K a year job. Ever seen the legal history of our Givernment - I had the e-mail around here somewhere - no way to know if it was true or not.
  4. The people in Washington do not understand "more capable" - both parties. We are doomed.
  5. I didn't write it - I just posted it. In fact I didn't even give my opinion on it.
  6. Sounds like fun - if the weather is good I am in
  7. Welcome to Columbus F-Bod....I mean racing.
  8. Need to take it a step further. If no one can get a loan to pay for goods whether it be a house, car, or something smaller like a TV or furniture then you also don't need people to make cars, homes, TVs or furniture. So those people lose their jobs.
  9. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid=aSKSoiNbnQY0 Discuss
  10. Be careful - my Corsa was quiet with the stock manifolds. It is far from quiet with my long tubes. Not sure what it would sound like with the turbos.
  11. Awesome video but what the hell is with the music??
  12. So am I supposed to believe that Obama tells the truth? (this should be good)
  13. lol - funny but unfortunately the game wasn't. It is not the atheltes - we have the talent to compete with anyone. It is the schemes - offensive and defensive. The coordinators should be run out of town.
  14. If that doesn't put how fast these cars in perspective nothing will. I want my car to be fast enough that I need a physical to drive it;-) Congrats guys - awesome times.
  15. Thanks for putting it together Brian and thanks Val for "manning" the grill
  16. Awesome pic Ray - I will print it out and put it on my car - no one will know the difference;-)
  17. I may have to bring my POS to you guys - had my car aligned after I lowered it - had 2 degrees of negative camber per the advice of a road racer put in. Handles nicely but toasting my front tires! My car is not easy to get on a rack so I have resisted the need to get it in.
  18. Michelin Pilot Sport Cup tires - the ZR1 was on Pilot Sport PS2 ZPs - run flat tires with a 20,000 mile life expectancy. Like the guys said above - too many variables to compare them fairly. Also, note the Viper ACR has no radio and the sound insulation was removed. The ZR1 has all of the bells and whistles - does what the ACR does without any penalties. All this does is make what the ZR1 is doing that much more impressive. Sorry - I'll take the ZR1. (but I wouldn't turn the Viper down). So how much is a Viper ACR with the "hard core" option?
  19. Slash its tires for being in a NWS thread with no nudes.
  20. Thanks Vinny - Thought I was not in the super secret cool club! (Awesome times / trap - that car is plain nasty)
  21. Apparently there is another part of this site - I didn't see the thread. What did it run?
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