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Everything posted by caseyctsv

  1. Thank you to all that showed up. We even had members bring out a Lambo and a Lotus for the kids to sit in! It was a great turnout and truly made me happy to be a part of the board. I wish more of you could have made it - it was really cool to see the kids faces when they came out of the church! I am sure there are many pics floating around. Thanks again guys - can't thank you enough.
  2. Thanks for the translation but I got that much. I was more curious as to why he feels they were the worse Super Bowl Champions ever
  3. That was why I said "Dreamland Mortgage" Unless it was a builder buy down or some sort of VA-only loan there is no way they have a 4.25 30 year fixed.
  4. Uhhhh no. Much more difficult to transfer power in the water. They are much less efficient.
  5. Yep - 6:45 I will be the tall gray haired guy - lol - car in sig
  6. I am sorry - have to ask - WTF are you talking about?
  7. Wonder how much fuel he just went through.....
  8. Depends on if yo9u are taking the Mustang or the Buick;-)
  9. I can be at Sonic at 6:45 - we will leave at 7. I put directions to the church above but it is probably 10 miles up 23n from 270N Glad to see there is some interest in this - we have tried car shows in the past and it is hard to drum up enough interest.
  10. http://espn.myride.com/snacker-preview/2009_ferrari_-preview-616-page1.html No one does it like the Italians.
  11. For those who care: Matthew 19:14 14Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Good choice Doc.
  12. Can't thank you enough! The turnout we had for the opening was pretty lame and the kids were so excited - would love to make their week with an awesome turnout. If you guys want to meet up before we can meet up at the Meijer on 23 / Powell Road at 7. Doc - that is a very gracious offer - your car will certainly be a hit and a highlight of the event. Also - all cars are welcome. At the opening the kids were oooing and ahhing over a clean, stock PT Cruiser - sometimes we forget what it is like to be a kid - good opportunity to bring it back;-)
  13. http://www.gracepoint.cc/staticpages/index.php?page=location There will be cookies! My wife and kids are out of town so I figured I would cruise somewhere afterwards.
  14. I need some cars to show up at our church just south of Delaware to celebrate the ending of vacation bible school. As I said before the vacation bible school theme this year was cars and they are wanting a "cruise-in type event" on Friday for the kids. Hopefully a few of you can make it before you go out on Friday - maybe it will be a good starting point for a cruise somewhere else. Anyways need to be there between 7 and 7:30 - should be over by 9. If you have the time the kids would really appreciate it. The opening of VBS was really cool as a few cars made it out - sadly none from here. Come on guys - it is a good cause!
  15. Wouldn't miss it - been there for the last 4 years - it is a good time.
  16. I am so glad the projector lamps on the test mules were not what appear on the production version. I have a feeling this car will look much better in person.
  17. Need to be there today between 5 and 5:30 - anyone with questions call me at 614-422-5975. Thanks again to anyone who can take the time!
  18. That would be great. Forget the kids the adults even love Vipers.
  19. Absolutely - kids will get a kick out of that. If you have any buddies they are welcome!
  20. Whoever can make it is welcome - you are all doing me a big favor. They were worried they could not get any cars there - I was hoping my connections here might work out. We need to be there by 5:30 monday - location: http://www.gracepoint.cc/staticpages/index.php?page=location Whoever wants to participate send me a pm and I wilol respond with my cell. Thanks again!
  21. It would be cool - it's a red vette - everyone likes red vettes.
  22. Hey guys - my church which is located between Delaware and Powell is kicking off vacation bible school on Monday. This year the theme is "custom garage" and they were hoping to kick off the week with a few cool cars that the kids could get their pics taken with. If you have 2 hours on Monday night it would be for a good cause. Hit me up here if you can take the time - much appreciated. It is 5:30 to 7:30.
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