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Everything posted by Skinner

  1. Los individuos ACEPTABLES compré una cobra 04 hace unos meses y el ive que mira en las porciones de otros sitios y el canto se parecen encontrar la respuesta 2 mis preguntas. Y sé que algo de u posee cobras. ¿apruebe mi coche es preety mucho trabajo del extractor de la acción now.besides, y clutch.i aumentados desean agregar un sobrealimentador más pequeño pully.so cuál es uno de la polea mejor 2 va después? ¿y también qué más necesito además apenas de una polea del soplador? ¿o es que? Cualesquiera aconsejan serían great.and otra vez im nuevo a la cobra que los coches satisfacen tan no odian también hard.lol.thanks.
  2. I use home row and for the most part type without looking but look down from time to time. (habit I guess). For some reason the hardest thing for me to do is to type something out that I am reading off a piece of paper. When typing freestyle (for lack of a better term) I am able to type much faster and with less errors. Having dyslexia doesn't help as I tend to look at the letters in the middle of the word and work my way out.
  3. @ 4500 lbs thats not a bad time at all.
  4. core supports are soo last year. wonder what drivetrain was used.
  5. I already asked him that. just the one. Congrats man.
  6. If I had to guess if it wasn't stretched it would rub with his car being as low as it is. look good.
  7. there is no popping with a c-section.
  8. false labor no full blown labor @ 23 weeks with multiples yes. I was a complete wreck. thankfully they were able to stop it only down side wife became a resident at OSU for 2 months.
  9. labs are freat dogs, congratz on the new family member.
  10. I benchpressed 155# today and feel great. (seriously though I was quiet proud of myself since I haven't really lifted for the last 12 year.)
  11. srt-8 comes with dubs. oh and I would pick the 300
  12. wow if don't let the stress get to ya, wouldn't want ya to blow your top.
  13. doesn't run on diesel, runs on crude oil.
  14. nice car thought he ordered a ornge one thou.
  15. as usual a day late and dollar short Charlie.
  16. just a whole lot of fail. Much like this thread.
  17. steak burrito lite rice lite pinto beans tomato salsa corn cheese lettuce and if I eat there will get a beer sometimes since work allows use to have up to 2 drinks.
  18. I and deeply sorry for your lose. Like noted above get with a lawyer that specializes in medical malpractice and see what options are available to you.
  19. Skinner

    Crown Royal

    Have have seen something similar. Had a friend chug a entire bottle of tequila because he wanted the worm. He got it and partied it up the rest of night. (never got sick either).
  20. yeah that's not very Christian like.
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