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Everything posted by Skinner

  1. No, not up playing it at all. Did you read the article I posted? didn't post any blog info simply stated that she attemped to have books banned. how far she perused it don't know but the fact she brought it at all is what raised my concern. Smokin said it was a like so I found the article from her town paper showing that it was infact true that she was curious about it. Nothing more.
  2. that is correct there is no list She never created a list she brought the idea up to the director of the Libary and when she was told they would fight any book being banned and or censored she backed off and tried to downplay it.
  3. facts straight... funny you should say that. heres a news article from the local paper where it was discussed. http://www.frontiersman.com/articles/2008/09/06/breaking_news/doc48c1c8a60d6d9379155484.txt
  4. When is wanting to ban books not imposing her personal beliefs??
  5. but they only built what 1000 of those.
  6. can't fault the guy if it was part of his contract with the company bravo to him for setting up that kinda deal.
  7. wheels shouldn't be a problem yours are the same size as the stock 16s that came on the car.
  8. searched the net and found this. if it's the right-to-left text language thing try hitting ctrl + left-shift to revert to left-to-right text. Ctrl + left-shift (left-to-right) Ctrl + right-shift (right-to-left) also if you are using firefox go here http://www.hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1260866 have a couple different fixes listed
  9. You throw a beaver at them> Discuss.
  10. seeing how that car isn't even in the US I was say yeah its a joke.
  11. Skinner

    knight rider

    its on NBC.com I justed watched it and all I can say is wow.
  12. Skinner

    knight rider

    Fringe is good I'll pass on KR
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0-Ad2ok2jA holy shit!! Balls of Steel!!!
  14. PM sawbinder he is CPD and should be able to answer your questions.
  15. well stop her from eating the apple seeds and she will be fine. glad it worked out for ya. have fun cleaning up apples
  16. if you are missing the drivers go to dells site do a search for myour model PC and it will have a listed of all the need drivers. also to into your device mgr to see what you need. at the very least audio and a video (that why everything is choppy).
  17. Skinner

    Free Cat

    it was the country that how we dealt wiht ferral cats and dogs. If a real stray was found we called the pound to come and get them.
  18. Skinner

    Free Cat

    growing up we did the samy thing except it wasn't a water hose it was a .22
  19. Skinner

    Free Cat

    dare I say it.... CAT FIGHT!!!
  20. ben I tried it before eric and it was a red x. EDIT: nevermind its working now.
  21. no my post count is ridiculous, yours is tiny.
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