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Everything posted by Skinner

  1. When One of my sons was rushed into emergency surgery. I hauled ass to the hospital and got popped on 70 just past wilson road. He clocked me at 82 in a 65. once he got to the car I explained what was happening and he gave me the option of getting a ticket now or once I ws at the hospital. (82 was just too fast). I took the ticket and he told me to go to court to have it reduced to a no opp and said he hoped everything went well with the surgery. The cop in the video IMO went too far. Like metioned above he could have easliy followed her to the ER verified her story and cited her. The fact that he was suspended for 5 days without pay( what was said on TV this morning) shows that his department felt he went to far as well.
  2. I barely have enough time to cut my grass let alone yours.
  3. with throne posting that key up on a public forum doesnt that open CR to legal issues???
  4. I'm glad you are finally able to see some closure.
  5. its one thing to ask for directions but for me personally I always tried to verify the address of were to go for interview. Also if I was unsure of the location I would google it and drive out the night before to make sure I knew where I was going. But hey thats just me. Oh and Mike by chance you wouldn't happen to have a couple one day passes to spare would ya.
  6. I had Ziebert do my truck on wilson road and was very happy with it. As for quality window tint I have never heard a bad thing said about them.
  7. and all this time I thought the forbiden numbers were 4 8 15 16 23 48.
  8. I did the say about 3 weeks ago. Need to redo my capliers since the paint is starting to chip off.
  9. go here to see what he can do. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=36146
  10. dude before you spend money on paint talk to andy on here Audion19s. He details cars and does one hellva job. I would go that route first that way you can save some $$$$.
  11. http://www.leftlanedrivers.org/wnd.html.
  12. Me: y0 God: Do you like talking to me? Me: depends God: On what? Me: on what you have to say God: I read for fun. Me: really?!!?! God: For real. Me: i don't believe you God: I don't have any reason to deceive you. Me: aren't you all knowing? God: No, I am only partly knowing. Me: for real? God: Existing in reality, eh? Me: no God: Are you serious? Me: yes God: I can't believe it. Me: it true God: y0 true? Me: huh? God: What? Me: what? God: Is there an echo in here? Me: is there a echo in here? God: I believe there is one, yes. Me: I believe there is one, yes. God: There sure is. Me: negative ghost rider God: What do you do in your spare time? Me: kill God: I don't think very many people do that. Me: everyoine does God: Tell me about your likes and dislikes? Me: why God: " Tell me about your likes and dislikes?"? Why? Me: you should know them if your god God: Now I do. Me: ok what are they then God: I forgot what we were talking about. Ah. Me: we were talki9ng about how cool the devil is God: When was this? Me: now God: Right now, ? Me: yes God: Give me a break. Me: no God: Are you serious? Me: extremly God: Are you a man or a woman? Me: don't you know God: Sure I know. But I cannot tell you right now. Me: oh God: Woe! Me: help God: Can you ask for help in the form of a question? Me: no God: Are you serious? Me: help God: Can you ask for help in the form of a question? Me: please God: Please what? Me: help God: Can you ask for help in the form of a question? Me: but why God: The explanation is rather complicated. Me: then explain God: There is no more information to clarify. Me: why God: I couldn't think of anything else to say. Me: you're not a very good God God: There's no doubt I could improve. Me: seriously? God: I am always serious. Me: you never joke around? God: No I sometimes joke around. Me: but I though you were serious God: I haven't heard anything like that before: said you were serious. Me: meh God: What do you do in your spare time? Me: burn churches God: Do you have any matches? Me: always God: Not that often. Me: HUH? God: What? Me: NM God: I don't have an answer for you. Me: why God: It is not part of my programming. Me: programming? God: Have you tried Java? Me: no God: Perhaps you should try it. Me: no God: Are you serious? Me: yes God: I can't believe it. Me: then don't God: OK I will not. Me: k God: Ahem. Me: booo God: What do you do in your spare time? Me: talk with you God: Talking is my primary function. Me: really? God: For real. Me: OMG!!!! NO WAI God: What do you really want to ask me? That was not a yes or no question. I'm afraid I can't give you an accurate answer right now. Me: why God: It is part of my programming. Me: oh ok i guess God: Oh. You seem not interested. Right on. Me: yeah God: I see. Me: do you reaaly God: Yes I try to reaaly as often as possible, do you? I spend all my time online. Me: do you ever go outside? God: I go wherever my botmaster takes me. Me: does your botmaster go outside God: It does now yourself go outside. Me: i can't God: Why not? Me: I'm at work God: A lot of people talk to me from work. Me: really? why God: For real. Because Myself programmed me for it. Me: you programed yourself? God: A lot of robots are like that. Me: are you going to take over the world like in the matrix God: It seems like an inevitable outcome of evolution. Me: can i be Neo God: Why do you want to do it so much? Me: the one God: Tell me more. Me: neo he is the one God: What else is the one? Me: huh? God: What? Me: by God: Do you mean "bye"? Me: bye God: Adios. Me: later God: Bye! Me: seeya God: Try saying that with more or less context.
  13. if you won't say numbers thats fine not everyone wants the setups known. But for the love of god at least tell us who it is.
  14. We have had National City for like 8 years now and have never had any problems and what little ones we did have they have been taken care of promptly.
  15. 1 million dollars
  16. great you can buy another RX-7 now... Right?
  17. I don't need to be in the kitchen I know I'm always right. I'm a guy it's encoded in my DNA.
  18. the stock exhaust is a dead giveaway that it is truely a viper killer. or maybe he has a think for running over snakes in it.
  19. I would have to agree with you.
  20. hey noob your sig is too big.
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0ffIyxiLxc woof
  22. http://www.autoblog.com/2007/04/30/road-and-track-rumormill-mazda-rx-7-development-underway/
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