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Everything posted by Skinner

  1. -finishing the garage -building a shed to hold the buys outside toys and lawn stuff. -landscaping the back yard. -finishing my deck -possibling adding a concert pad off of the deck. -paining and repainting all the rooms in my house. more of a spring/summer/fall list.
  2. It would be pretty cool to see someone build a car for that. What I would like to see is a Central Ohio vs a Northeast Ohio edtion of the show. have 2 shops purchace simular cars and have a set budget to see who can build a better/faster car.
  3. exaggerated or not the uncle had no right to go to the school for any reason period. If the parents don't want thier girl to date thats fine they have that right. But the uncle was complete out of line. like everyone else said have him contact the school admin. advise he wwould like to file charges of assualt against him (if possible). Also were there any witnesses that can back up his story?
  4. won't that crack the paint?
  5. Sean have you tried taking it up to the Spreingfield swap meet. should sell there prtty easy or even trade it for something you want to keep or roll over.
  6. John I sent you a PM can you call me at home? thanks man
  7. I am needing to convert a .mov file to a .wma or .avi file. what is a good FREE app that i can use to do that.
  8. Skinner

    Cobalt SS..

    ouch that had to suck for the owner.
  9. nope if there is a local ban will only affect the city of columbus.
  10. http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b180/smskinner/KQEb5J.jpg
  11. what would you except from someone that works at walmart.
  12. Skinner

    Cobalt SS..

    thats just it you can't buy a new srt-4 only used (and probably abused).
  13. -the look on my boys face when they wake up in the morning -watching the boys reaching differnet step of devolpment (crawling, standing on their own, ect) -family -a quiet and relaxing evening. -sleeping through the night. -sex -how my car looks after spendingthe day washing and waxing it. -the smell of fresh cut grass -cold beer on a hot day. -mtn biking -mtn biking in the rain on a hot summer day.
  14. Skinner

    Cobalt SS..

    from what I hear they are a decent 14 sec car. I know in stock from they are limited to 12 psi. aside from that not sure of anything else. good buy for a DD.
  15. http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b180/smskinner/7RGYhy.jpg
  16. Skinner

    picked up a bike

    did you hurt yourself when you picked it up? nice bike.
  17. wrx f-body wrx wrx or wrx
  18. great idea that way you can package a "dyno proven setup".
  19. wow I didn't know that police could right you a ticket if you were on private property. As for getting out of the ticket the best thing I can recomend is to go to court and ask to have the reckless op dropped to a no points violation. Just explain that it was the night of the strom and the lot was not plowed when you turned in the low you felt the back end come out and over corrected for it.
  20. blue ray will die just like beta did. why you ask? because the porn industry is going with HD-dvd as their standard just like they did with VHS. it may take a couple years but it will happen.
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