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Everything posted by Skinner

  1. the autobahn already has speed limits. and has had for at least 10 years if not longer.
  2. I wouldnt use a pressure washer will make a mess. just run a graden hose down there and get a good sized srcub brush (pool scruber). will take make a hr to clean it all up. how long you lose power? and when?
  3. if its a 3.9 v-6 or a 4.1 v-8 there no secondary O2 sensor and the cat that was removed was the california emissions cat test pipe will be fine.
  4. Skinner


    you can't afford the down payment on thier world let alone own it.
  5. looks good but yeah first thing I thought when I saw it was Knight rider. not that its a bad thing Kitt rocked.
  6. back in 2000 wthere until maybe mid Dec when they had there "big layoff" I was away on my honeymoon only to come backwithout a job. I was in building 2 on the floorth floor overlooking 270.
  7. I have a box of 9 mm rounds someone can have for $7 around 80 or 90 rounds in it.
  8. I say spring. I would really like to go this year and do more than watch. car may be slow but still fun to drive. what kinda price are you looking at per person?
  9. I like my full supspension bike. But I like hardtails as well.
  10. you should be able to find a decent bike for around 300 or 350 If you want something to last. Also I would stop in to A gear Higher to see what they have from last year that marked down and also so you can get a bike that is the right size for you (you can get a bike that is too big or small). If you go to any decent shop they and tell them what you want and what you will use it for they should be able to find you a bike that fits you and you are comfortable riding on.
  11. hell yeah. about 4 of us had it on our systems when I worked at streling commerce. Needless to say we brought down the websites and used up about 90% of the bandwith there. needless to say we were no longer aloud to have file sharing software installed on PC's
  12. its been pulled from youtube
  13. nice upgrade from your old bike. Was that jason's bike?
  14. why the video kept going wanted to watch him run it over the curb.
  15. ha why you were in bed sick today I was outside enjoying the nice weather.
  16. Vin back when my parents did this at our old house it ran around $5500 which was around 350 lenght plus a 30 x 50 foot pad for parking cars.
  17. first link in my sig. They know there stuff.
  18. pppsshhhh, shows what you know.
  19. what didn't you hear he picked up a veryon. Its at IPS now getting retuned for higher boost.
  20. this is by far the best review of the movie or any movie ever. I just saw a movie that’ll give your eyes boners, make your balls scream and make you poop DVD copies of THE TRANSPORTER. It’s called 300. I don’t know what the title has to do with the movie, but they could’ve called it KITTENS MAKING CANDLES and it’d still rule. It’s about these 300 Greek dudes who stomp the sugar-coated **** out of like a million other dudes. I have a feeling that a lot of high school sports coaches are going to show this film to their teams before they play. Also, gay dudes and divorced women are going to use screen captures for computer wallpaper. The movie takes place about a million years ago, and it’s sort of like a prequel to SIN CITY. Except way less guns and cars but twice as much skull splitting. If you watch this movie and go into a Taco Bell, and say to the cashier, “I need some extra sauce packets” guess what? You’re getting twenty sauce packets because your face will punch him in the brain. I can’t spoil the plot because THANK GOD THERE ISN’T ONE. Just ass kicking that kicks ass that, while said ass is getting kicked, is kicking yet more ass that’s hitting someone’s balls with a hammer made of ice but the ice is frozen whiskey. TWO COOL THINGS ABOUT THE MOVIE AND ONE THING I DIDN’T LIKE: COOL THING ONE: HEAVY METAL DURING BATTLE SCENES Who gives a **** if the music isn’t historically correct? LORD OF THE RINGS could’ve used some Journey. This movie has that chu-CHUNG kind of metal that you hear in your head when your shift supervisor at Wetzel’s Pretzel is telling you that you’ll have to stay for clean up and you wish you had a sock filled with quarters in your hand. COOL THING TWO: FOES, MINI-BOSSES AND A BIG BOSS Basically, the Greek dudes are fighting these Persian dudes, but the director, who must have a dick made of three machine guns, does it all like a video game. The Greeks fight every death metal video from the last ten years. There’s wave after wave of giants, freaks, ninjas, mutants, wizards, and a hunchback who looks like he’s got Rosie O’Donnell on his back. Would I have been happy if Dom DeLuise from HISTORY OF THE WORLD, PART I had shown up? Maybe, but this movie more than makes up for that glaring oversight. NOT SO GOOD THING: DUDE NUDITY (“DUDE-ITY”) These are Greek times, when there were a lot of naked women around. And there are some naked women in this film, but almost every naked woman scene has a muscular dude giving the screen an ass picnic. Dude-ity is something directors put in their movies so people will think they’re serious, I guess, and not just throwing in naked hotties. Any directors reading this – IT’S OKAY TO JUST THROW IN NAKED HOTTIES. Can’t someone make a movie about naked Amazons and call it PAUSE BUTTON? My final analysis is 300 the most ass-ruling movie I’ve seen this year, and will probably be the King of 2007 unless someone makes a movie where a pair of sentient boobs fights a werewolf.
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vF8E4WMK5dw maybe he has one of these
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