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Everything posted by Skinner

  1. I think I have one just needs batteries $15 its ours. I'll check when i get home.
  2. hes at home on lunch, must not of wanted the gold fish to see it.
  3. http://www.yearone.com
  4. oh, ok thanks for explaining.
  5. http://www.detnews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070119/METRO/701190397 apparently in Mich. its ok to kill someone asa child do your time and then have the state pay for your housing and college!???!!????!??!??!??!??! lol gotta love his suit.
  6. appartently I was, found over $250. http://www.betterbudgeting.com/unclaimedmoney.htm
  7. Skinner

    354 hrs

    right before my boys were born I picked up a second job working in a warehouse pulling shipping orders for 4 to 5 hrs a night and loved it (was a break from the norm)
  8. Skinner

    354 hrs

    I have a 38.75 work week and still get paid 40 hrs. salary FTW. oh and what is this OT you speak of???
  9. dosen't the spine naturally decompress when lying down?
  10. it only takes a teaspoon to induce vomitting. poor guy.
  11. maybe they are trying to shake hands?
  12. well in my defense it is over 6 months ago. and its new to me so
  13. http://www.teslamotors.com sharp little car. tad pricey
  14. sorry no tickets to sell But I can honestly say there are no bad seats there. I have sat in the upper and lower bowls.
  15. what no one got stucked up into it... BOOOOOOOOOOOO!
  16. wait I though you guys were going to have a $100 dollar by in. you guys should bring back the old list anyway if there is money involved then thats between the 2 racing.
  17. aww he was just a big ol teddy bear. He wasn't attacking the guy that shot him he was coming to give him a hug.
  18. great buy for the price. I used to race a losi truck back in the day.
  19. Skinner

    Spring Release

    velcome. don't drop the soap. http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b180/smskinner/pEggpT.jpg
  20. thats just as bad as pop. try propell water. or any favored water or just water.
  21. ok I'm bored at work. So lets do a counting game 1 to 100 pics only. try to keep it work safe. oh and to make it tough it has to be automotive related. http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b180/smskinner/one.jpg
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