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Everything posted by Skinner

  1. whats the max res and veiwable area of the 19"
  2. hours and hours of wholesome fun http://www.adultswim.com/shows/assy/fartboard/index.html
  3. If money wasn't a issue heres how I would do it. 1. Drag track built to NHRA specs. 2. 1.5 mile road course built to nasa/scca specs (if there is such a thing). if people want to roll race use the straight to do so. 3. 5 acres for trailers and prep work 4. ala strip mall for vendors 12 slots 2 set aside for food 1 for a dyno, and 1 for security/medical. the rest for preformace shops kinda like a gasoline alley type thing 5. 6 restroom facilities 6. a drag/track tower to monitor everything plus offices for staff. 7. 10 acre parking lot. 8.plus anything else I am missing. oh since its slow at work here. http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b180/smskinner/boredom.jpg
  4. Skinner

    Um... HI

    Linn I'm dissapointed that you didnt't offer to race him for $20. Your slippin man...
  5. screw it let them pay to play. when they do something stupid kick them out keep there money and ban them from the track.
  6. what no video of bigfoot?!!??!
  7. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5107653974746566254&hl=en @ 2:49 looked a little painfull
  8. We have one but for the must part its common sense stuff and tends to follow columbus city code for the most part.
  9. only when they have a LS1 in them is this statement true.
  10. Fiber glass will be very expensive to do due to the amount of time involved labor wise plus it will have to be painted.
  11. aircraft paint remover you can get it at autozone. be careful it like flesh more than paint.
  12. true he may not of had custody of the children but he still believed they were his and loved them as his own (I would guess) then finding out after wards they were not his. For me that would be crushing. money would be not be a issue for me.
  13. I would be hurt that my wife lied about the affair. I would be devastated to find out that the children were not mine. I don't think there is any amount of money I could be awarded to cover that. I know it sounds crazy but wait till you have a child of your own everything and I mean everything is different.
  14. Skinner

    Good girl

    holy shit thats impressive
  15. If you have to go with the fat chicks to get action you must be doing something wrong.
  16. did you ever think that she lived in a bad neighborhood and or in the past maybe was was robbed and since then carries a gun with her everywhere she goes now?
  17. looks like a pissed off coy. I thought coys were for good luck?
  18. finally get the Racing beat springs and swaybars I have been putting off all year. thats about it. I will do more to the house then the car.
  19. personally I would have called him before ever leaving just to verify and make he has all his ducks in a row.
  20. so I take it you will not be bidding on my ebay auction then. I read 2 millions sold by the end of the year which is still a high number but will it meet the demand for it for christmas. the going price on ebay is ranging from $350 to $450 for the base system. I have mine at $400 if it sells great and made $150 with minual effort. If not it will be sold at cost to a freind of a freinds boy that saved up for it but hasn't been able to get one yet. If that falls through I hve been offered a little over cost for my time for it as well. so If I make some money great if not oh well.
  21. my 3 9 month old said it was week and everyone knows 3 9 month olds trump a 1 year old. oh and its a repost
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