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Everything posted by Skinner

  1. if you close the throttle by hand and let go does it stay closed or jump back up to the higher RPM?
  2. wow also I would think that with that type of descrition of the car and with the temp tag expiration date they should be able to get a address on at least info on the owner of the car. Or have I been watching to much CSI??
  3. next time we have a shootfest you should come you can learn to shoot handguns and rifles. Even if you were never to shoot agin you would at least have a better understanding of them and the basic knowledge to know how to handle one if you ever needed to.
  4. I'm not allowed out on the weeknights.
  5. no since he is already in jail he won't get tried for his escape he will just get time added to his current sentence which I thought was life.
  6. only if you don't know what your doing and have no respect for them. John thanks for the info my neighbor has been trying to get a straight answer and everyone he ask has thier own take on it.
  7. IIRC the course is $100 and is a week or 2. John do you know what the rules are when it comes to CC and riding a motorcycle??
  8. just a heads up if you paint the car a different color is will hurt the resale of the car if you ever go to trade it in. but to answer your question on cost if you do it right and get all that door jams, truck and painted it will be fairly expensive (guessing around 3500 to 4000 due to all the extra prop work that would be needed). I would say keep looking for a black car if thats what you really want that way you're not wasting money on paint when you could put that towards engine mods.
  9. Whats even better is WoW is going to add the swoard to the game.
  10. If I win it Ill put it in my parenst 57 ford fairlane 500
  11. Don't think concealed carry would have helped there, most if not all businesses won't allow people to bring a firearm into thier business anyway. If the mgr had one thats another thing but who knows same rule may follow for management as well. I understand your point and completely agree with you.
  12. My wife does it Professionally. But sadly you probably wont want to pay or can't afford the her. (not that you don't have money just the shit isn't cheap.)
  13. put a cam and heads on it and spray the crap out of it.
  14. I can't tell if there are theard in thath exhaust hole or not if ther are you can pick up a mulffler that will screw right into that. The muffler is about 6 inches long and will help the engine run right. from what I seen with gocart motors if you remove the muffler or put too big of one one they run like ass (at least with my neighbors).
  15. shit when I was a kid recess was great we played football kickball dodgeball scoccer you name it we played it. It was not uncommon to came back to class bloody and brused. Hell in the fourth grade I got hit so hard I got a concusion and was out of school 2 days. Came back and watch the same thing happen to someone else. we never got yelled at or was told to stop. the school realized accidents happen. Its really sad that they have to do shit like this. The school is not entirely to blame if everyone and thier brother was sue happy schools wouldn't have to worry about silly shit like this.
  16. who cares what 1/4 times they run the police sure don't. Is not like the cop will be thinking "oh shit he runs a time time then me I better not pull him over".
  17. pantera cowboys from hell actually anything from pantera makes for good car video music.
  18. Skinner

    OSU vs MICH

    so you mean stuff like this http://www.lsj.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050405/NEWS06/504050333/0/special mich state http://news.minnesota.publicradio.org/features/2003/04/14_olsond_riotfolo/ http://news.minnesota.publicradio.org/features/200204/08_stawickie_riot/ U of M they just don't riot over football they like thier hockey
  19. haha didn't see your fine print unitl I quoted you. even still Japan would be greatly affected as well.
  20. yeah all the countries that borders meet up to NK really need to step up. While any action takes will have some effects on the world it will directly affect them. THe US needs to stay on the D/L and push for China, SK, and Japan to really step it up.
  21. heres a link to the pricing http://www.mallettcars.com/solstice_order_form-v32.pdf ls7 powered Solstice FTW
  22. wow you are that stupid, you still don't get it do you. Also you obvious do care because your trying to defend yourself and your actions. Which again were wrong.
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