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Everything posted by Skinner

  1. I hate to say it but i really like my wifes power book. only real annoying thing i found is that you cant click or select with the touch pad. other than that it roxors.
  2. seriously, I want to see videos of it run.
  3. yes i could, the the real questions will I.
  4. when you call in with problems with anything and the screen tell you to click next to continue don't ask me what you need to do. I am here to fix your techicall problems. I don't care what you have going on in your life personally. It doesnt affect me and if it is not related to your problems i dont care. We are a techincal helpdesk, when you call in and ack me to teach you on how to do something I will show you the basics and reffer you to you application manuals.( which are very well writen). I will not do your job for you.
  5. funny ben theres no typing required so im ok. berto just go in and fill out a app.
  6. ben I've got 2 of them let me know you can have ether one
  7. Ok Spimpson is just added on a 12 million dollar addition for warehouseing. They are looking to bring on more for both full time and part time. part time pays $11 an hour full time is a little more, part time is required to work at least 20 hrs a week. full time is required to do 50 a week (manditory overtime). job requirements past a drug test able to write and read able to do simple math speak and understand english is a + able to lift 50 lbs they are located of of interanation st (is right nest to Charter st) http://www.strongtie.com/ 2600 International Street Columbus, OH 43228 phone: (614) 876-8060 fax: (614) 876-0636 any questions let me know
  8. actually its was on the discovery channel as a special feature everything ws pieced together from cell phone conversations and did it as a documentary with some re-enactments. They only got to the point where the passengers made it to the cabin. since audio from the cabin was never released to the public and only to family members they did not want to speculate on how things happended out of respect. But yeah something like this should not have been madefor at least 10 to 20 years. Same with the Oliver Stone movie that is coming out (not sure of the name).
  9. Skinner


    autometer, its better to buy quality once that junk 3 or 4 times
  10. http://www.apple.com/trailers/universal/flight93/large.html Personally I'm not sure on how i feel but this being made into a movie.
  11. Chuck Norris once bet NASA he could survive re-entry without a spacesuit. On July 19th, 1999, a naked Chuck Norris re-entered the earth's atmosphere, streaking over 14 states and reaching a temperature of 3000 degrees. An embarrassed NASA publically claimed it was a meteor, and still owes him a beer. if he can survive re-entery i doubt getting hit by a car will do little to him. Police label anyone attacking Chuck Norris as a Code 45-11.... a suicide. and Chuck Norris doesnt shave; he kicks himself in the face. The only thing that can cut Chuck Norris is Chuck Norris. so all of your ideas are flawed and no yoda couldn't use the jedi mind trick on chuck norris that stuff only works on simple minded people. (like mustang owners )
  12. great post DJ Personally my phone is always on vibrate, always. I also use it in the stores sparingly if i forgot something. the only reason i would take a call while doing anything right now is if the wife calls me. other than that if I'm doing anything with someone else it goes to voice mail.
  13. that is very cool. I remember seeing a pic of a 911 body (complete doors hood an truck) that was only 65 #
  14. we were having this discussion here at work.how do you guys think would win in a fight. Chuck Norris or Yoda (with force and light saber). the obvious answer Chuck Norris. that there some chuck haters here. So I though I would bring up here. Discuss.
  15. I remember when said cars owners goals for the car was 300 rwhp.
  16. buhahahahahahahahahha thats perfect!!!!!1!!!
  17. your washer and dryer should last you at least 10 to 15 years. more then likely you out grow it before it needs replaced.
  18. pussy Edit that was ment for marc but it will work for yours as well
  19. yeah same her getting redirected to the wowway homepage.
  20. just go to her house and follow her around and learn her habbits that way you can "accidently" run into her at the store or something.
  21. not to highjack your thread josh but is it safe to put a draino to remove a clog in a dishwasher?? My dishwaher is not draining all the water an I am trying to avoid having to pull it out to fix it.
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