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Everything posted by Skinner

  1. Skinner

    I Hate Cops

    Also they will tell you the tint they are putting on is illegal and they are not responable if you get a ticket.
  2. what!!! thats not the correct way to do CPR????
  3. personaaly i have never had a problem with them when we got our sprints phones back in the day ther was a $130 MIR per phone (2 phones). They sent us 4 checks for $130. I was very happy to say the least.
  4. http://www.snopes.com/movies/films/hoverbrd.htm
  5. http://www.cnn.com/2006/US/01/26/mexico.tunnel/index.html makes you wonder how many more there are?!?!?!?!?!
  6. Hilliard just off roberts road
  7. any GM vehicle with a Iron Duke will do the same as that.
  8. newegg it top notch also 5oclock.com is good and they are based out of dayton (they have a store there as well. Only down side with them is you have to pay tax.
  9. sorry to hear about the job loss, If defentialy sucks I have been there many times (just ask Rotarded ).The only real advise i have is to file for unemployment and get that ball rolling. Now i don't know where you worked at but I can tell you we are hiring at Simpson (I work there part time its a great place and easy work). They are getting ready to bring on 12 to 14 people for 2nd shift (they call it third) its 4 12 shifts and every other fri for 4 hrs (mandotory OT), moneys good and works really easy. If you want more info PM and or check out my post in the Meat Market.
  10. http://www.cnn.com/2006/TECH/ptech/01/27/cell.phone.porn.reut/index.html you can never watch too much porn... can you???
  11. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11064752/ reminds me of starscream or voltron. I would sit and watch it waiting for it to transform it a plane or something.
  12. mythbusters proved that the cherry from a lit cigerate was not hot enough to ignite a puddle of standing gas. I still wouldn't want to take the change though.
  13. I remember seeing a while back that there was a company that converted the Z06 to a convertible to the point that it looked like a factory option.
  14. its not a senior member thing...
  15. No, not really we just prefer to keep some things from the general public, really its for your own good. The less you know the better.
  16. sorry but thats need to know info, and you dont need to know...
  17. lies everyone knows vettes are fast. You want to go fast buy a honda!!! nice ride
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