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Everything posted by Skinner

  1. keyboard and mouse > greater then any console controler
  2. 1500 pff there going for 5600 http://cgi.ebay.com/Xbox-360-Premium-2-GAMES-No-Pre-sale-Actual-Item-NR_W0QQitemZ8235438557QQcategoryZ62054QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem never mind was just reset by ebay for bugus bids
  3. I have heard the same and am currious as well.
  4. Have to give credit where credits due. DJ gave the wife and I a great deal on phones.was able to work well within our budget and worked around my work schedule so we could get the phone tonight. Again I'm very happy with his service and his ability to work with us. If you in need of a new phone call him and will take great care of you. Thansk DJ for the hookup.
  5. as much as i like pitt I just dont see it. it will be a close game but indy will pull through.
  6. $300 and is coming wiht a free life time account for x-box live. (at least that what i read on popular science)
  7. read again indentcal triplet boys
  8. ok has i said before the wife and I are having triples (yay for me). We Autumn just got back from her 3 ultra-sound. everything look good the babys all look healthy and normal. Looks like we are having 3 boys (identical) so im really excited. Now I need to find the odds on this. Whats the odds of a Identical twin giving birth to identical triplets???? :) :) :)
  9. was the car Drunk driver stopped and charged? If I had to guess the cop will show up to get the OT. But if he was cool enough to say he wouldnt fight it you should be fine.
  10. My contract with sprint ends this week. what store do you work at? The wife and I can meet up. I work till 5:00 in dublin. We can do it Mon or Tue.
  11. Skinner

    Dance Monkeys!!!

  12. Skinner

    Dance Monkeys!!!

  13. Skinner

    Dance Monkeys!!!

    5. your required to cook and clean.
  14. WTF. no seriously WHAT. THE. FUCK. was that???????
  15. Ok I am older and its still fun
  16. http://www.orlyowl.com/comeagain.jpg
  17. honestly if you do not have uninsured motorist coverage with oyur insurance there is little or nothing your insurance company can do for you. Since you have a police report and proof that he did the damages. MY onlky advise would be to take him to court (if possible) and sue him for damages but its doubtful even if you win you will see anything from him.
  18. its 8 year or 80,000 mile on a 1995 or newer vehicle. heres more info http://www.epa.gov/otaq/cert/factshts/catcvrts.pdf
  19. 1. My make yourself a easy target 2. why do you care if someone picks on you on the interweb 3. do you really think posting this thread is going to help
  20. that it was so stupid you shouldn't have posted it. gee you need everything spelled out ??
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