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Everything posted by Skinner

  1. now you now how we feel when you post shit.
  2. Skinner


    http://jalopnik.com/5858683/exclusive-this-is-the-2014-chevy-corvette here are the concept pics that GM is denying it will look like. http://www.amcarguide.com/wp-content/gallery/jalopnik-c7-corvette/2014-chevrolet-corvette-jalopnik-02.jpg http://www.corvettenewsblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/C7-Corvette-Style-1.jpg http://www.corvettenewsblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/C7-Corvette-Style-3.jpg
  3. Skinner


    even in the kitchen?
  4. that one is a movie prop.
  5. he would have more in bumpers then the cost of the truck.
  6. I could use a lift for the Jeep.
  7. Skinner

    Fuck Racoons

    If you need help getting a fixed I know a good mechanic.
  8. If you do it have it plated gold then you can be a gun ricer.
  9. your wheels are going to need weights.
  10. they come in black as well.
  11. http://i.imgur.com/zQbok.gif http://chzgifs.files.wordpress.com/2011/12/funny-gifs-the-new-member-of-the-team.gif http://i.imgur.com/weDJq.gif
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