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Everything posted by justinwebb

  1. Yea I figured inertia wasn't correct when I said it and again when I typed it, wasn't very good at the whole physics stuff in school. Ah well he got a laugh out of it.
  2. got pulled over by a statey coming down a hill not 10 seconds from my apartment, and because inertia caused me to speed up he clocked me going 7 over. He gave me a warning but told me to slow it down lol. I even blamed it on inertia he just laughed
  3. you zero'ed in on what I was thinking about doing haha figured I would give it a shot and see how it worked and if not I am sure I can find some other use for it
  4. I got mine today after ordering it a while back and was seeing if anyone else had one. For those that dont know what in the hell i am talking about http://www.raspberrypi.org/ its a mini Linux board that is basically a super tiny PC
  5. for some reason i want to put some lights on my go pro and throw it down there on a string
  6. i would join in as well, looks like fun and helps out a business at the same time
  7. Kevin Clifford, just had my front and rear bumpers and a front spoiler painted by him and he did amazing work. I am already gathering stuff for him to paint again
  8. looks like a blast, would love to do something like that. But sadly i think even the smart car could beat the honda lol
  9. I have 2 in a box I think I'll have to see if I still have the cords to them
  10. I'm in that weird part of youtube again.
  11. I'm on there as well, now i just need to make it to one of them
  12. It was filmed in Nashville but Xenia is still that creepy
  13. oh yea gonna rent out the honda. "Great for getting groceries"
  14. I have a used OEM civic Catalytic Converter, it doesnt have the heat shroud around it and no O2 sensor but has good threads. It is not clogged I can see light through it. Asking 100 Pics http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/729463d0.jpg http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/daab5182.jpg http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/c06b42ce.jpg
  15. I have a extra front spoiler for my car just sitting around and was wondering if anyone has ever worked with skinning a part and all the materials needed like black base epoxy and the different hardeners and clear coats. I just don't know how much of each to use to cover everything.
  16. who gives a shit on which phone has what, I was stating there is an app or whatever it is on android to block things, giving the OP a heads up if he had such a device and wanted it to cease lol. Who pays for apps anyway I never have...
  17. I have an app for my iphone that will block private/unknown numbers and any other number I type in. It can send them to voicemail or just immediately hang up on them and nothing even comes to my phone. Works great
  18. i had something similar happen, turned out the board just crapped out and I tried everything that everyone has told you. I would just call them and ask to get a replacement
  19. usually there is a pin hole in the back to reset it back to when you first got it, might work
  20. im guessing the scouts found a place closer to food supply
  21. I have a case that I am no longer using for my carpc, its a Morex 5677 case and will fit a Mini itx motherboard and has all the wiring needed and an upgraded hard drive cage for a 2.5" drive. Also has a spot for mounting the power supply inside the case as well. Great for someone first starting out http://www.morex.com.tw/products/productdetail.php?fd_id=40 asking 40 OBO
  22. I have a USB OBD 2 Scantool from OBDPros that I dont use, was going to use it for my next car pc build but it will work with any laptop or computer with a USB port. Includes the USB scan tool, OBD plug and usb cable. The drivers can be downloaded from the website Asking 50 OBO http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/IMG_0013.jpg http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/IMG_0016.jpg
  23. the hackulous people just released it yesterday, so the server is been getting slammed Delete the Hackulous repo Add this repo: http://www.jk9357.xxx/installous5/ install installous delete the above repo add hackulous repo back did that yesterday worked like a charm
  24. found a baby sparrow that fell out of its nest, couldn't find the nest anywhere around the area. I put it in a box and fed it overnight with some crushed up food that petsmart told me to make for baby birds then took it to the animal shelter. They emailed me a few weeks later telling me the released it and it was healthy. I just didnt want it to get eaten by all the neighborhood cats that I so despise
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