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Everything posted by justinwebb

  1. The web site says how fast it will go up with some quick maths I can tell you lol How fast will the balloon ascend? The balloon will ascend at about 1,000 feet per minute. At some points, its ascent could be as fast as 1,400 feet per minute. Upon reaching about 100,000 feet, however, it will likely slow to roughly 750 feet per minute until it levels off at approximately 120,000 feet above sea level. Edit: around 2 hrs lol
  2. This is quite awesome stuff, I am building a weather balloon to take up 2 GoPro cameras and it should get to around 100,000 but could never imagine taking up a human lol. Wish it would have gone up today was sitting here watching to see what would happen
  3. I just bought an assortment of bead colors and then just found bead sprites online or just looked at the game and since its so pixelated you just copy that.
  4. sarcasm? or just some bouncing action? perhaps both
  5. they are called Perler beads, you do the design on a pegboard and then iron it, yep i know it pretty lame but I just make things when I am watching TV or what not.
  6. So I got bored and created some of these for my fridge, gotta love old school mario and duck hunt and some mega man http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/IMG_01685.jpg my new plants at work http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/IMG_0162.jpg that is all, carry on.
  7. Just read they will be redoing the interchange at 23 and I 270 along wiht 315 clusterfuck that people cannot seem to navigate though. It will include a "tunnel" like over near morse http://www2.nbc4i.com/news/2012/sep/27/major-makeover-detailed-us-23-sr-315-i-270-ar-1187736/
  8. I'm pretty sure tim does some great things with a panasonic P&S
  9. this all amazes me, you sir are a master at your craft
  10. insert " Well that escalated quickly" here post
  11. must be a different location then polaris I dont need a permit
  12. Shamrock tows at chase all the time as well, I come in when there is no parking and just have been waiting for them to get me
  13. oh didnt know it was in marysville on the contact page it says Oklahoma lol
  14. it was different, didnt know anything about it going into watching which was confusing but it was a pretty good movie. I am glad I downloaded it and didnt pay for it though
  15. hope everyone who bought the 3rd party adapters for the phone didnt pay too much cause it seems they might not work without the authenticator chip http://gizmodo.com/5945889/some-third+party-adapters-might-not-work-with-your-new-iphone
  16. shipping for 12 bolts is 16 bucks with 5 dollar handling fee
  17. I need a bunch of screws and things but really don't want to pay retail prices unless I absolutely have to. I have all the part numbers just looking to see if anyone works there and could help me out.
  18. lol none here yet, supposedly they are working on it
  19. why spend money on cars if you are going to go that route, its something us techie people like to do is have the newest and greatest. Its something to play with to keep our minds off of the incredibly boring every day life and keep us occupied. Wait maybe that is just me....crap. Forever alone
  20. I have the TomTom app on my phone as well and the Navigon App loaded on my laptop all I have to do is sync, no need for a separate device. Just sometimes its easier to search on google maps app and then navigate right to it.
  21. I would rather have the app back, and yes I know of the web site so dont act like you are some iphone guru lol. I'm not on 6 anyways I would rather keep my jailbreak and continue cracking apps for apptrackr
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