Sad for all the tragedies and it reminds us that space flight is never routine or easy. I was always a huge fan of the shuttle and was sad to see them retire.
I think i read a quote once about launch day, that its a good day when its heading toward the sky and a bad one if its heading toward the ground.
I am moving and the new place only has a few spaces so I am looking to put a car in storage, what does everyone use that isn't super expensive? Ive been looking for apartments that have just garage rentals but I haven't seen many.
Polaris just opened up a day care thing as well. Not sure of the details as i dont have kids and didnt pay attention but the basketball hoop looks cool.
1111 team checking in, traffic can suck but i get around some of it by coming in at 9 and leaving at 6 but I also live 7 mins away from work. Inside is a mini city, people are cool and you can walk to a lot of places for lunch.
To settle this we need someone to drive at night, with a cam in the car along with someone who does not know of said speed bumps and have them take this road. If they see them in normal night conditions then OP is crazy. If they dont then OP is not crazy. Pics of them during the day I see them pretty well but maybe at night they its different. Someone test said theory.
Did you mean nvidia 970? The 770 with 4 gb was a marketing scam that would do horribly with 4k. People just thought since it had a ton of ram it would max out games when they didn't take into consideration the actual cores couldn't handle it.
The traffic in polaris is already bad enough with all the new stuff opening up plus billions of apartments being built. I live in polaris and work at the polaris chase and its miserable. Time to move before this hits...