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Everything posted by justinwebb

  1. justinwebb

    tik tok

    i feel bad for her
  2. for those jailbroken phones here is a site you can download apps to your hearts content http://apptrackr.org/
  3. this man speaks the troof, and no that car is not mine
  4. nice glasses and that cat kinda creeps me out
  5. their parents didnt beat them enough as children
  6. i know a few who work in risk ops, i work there as an online supervisor
  7. http://www.imagecheese.com/gallery/solved.jpg
  8. got to see a girls tits once but that was after about 30 mins of just random retarded people
  9. saw this today pulling into chase up in polaris
  10. not really if mounted correctly in the case it will not get any vibration what so ever, had my last drive for 4 years and only once did it skip but that was when i bottomed the car out in a pothole on the freeway but that is to be expected haha. Plus a good sized SSD is expensive. Its all about placement and mounting in the case
  11. yea i know i feel the same way about Lincoln
  12. i have no experience doing it so how much would you charge to do mine for me??
  13. i have it installed on my router and it works great have had it for quite some time
  14. a stripped down version of XP no reason to go to 7 as its too much for a car pc and for the actual software that runs everything i am using centrafuse works great and does everything i need it to i love the tiny keyboard makes it so easy in the car to type out things or whatever, and its a dual core 3.16 GHZ lol why would i need any faster in a car pc this is already overkill. Gotta worry about heat issues being in a car all summer
  15. got bored over the winter and redid the screen a little better had a hairline crack that bothered me. Also, got a new screen for the heck of it and redid how the back board attached to the bezel its self in the back. Used a piece of plexi to attach it cracked it in a few places but it does the job better then I had it last time http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/Carputer/DSC_0498.jpg http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/Carputer/DSC_0497.jpg http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/Carputer/DSC_0496.jpg http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/Carputer/DSC_0502.jpg http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/Carputer/DSC_0501.jpg http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/Carputer/DSC_0500.jpg
  16. So have a dent in my drivers door looking to get popped out, anyone know of any good people to take it to and about how much it might cost to have done? did a search but it was older and was seeing if anyone on here did anything like this
  17. if you have a new 3gs it will be a tethered jailbreak meaning any time you restart it you will have to re-run the jailbreak as the new bootrom fixes it
  18. saw dieselboy at the last rave that was shut down here in columbus haha it was a good set, DJ dan and Richard Vission are playing at BoMA on saturday the 13th
  19. provisional means that its temp till the other money goes back in, so basically after X amount of time it will drop off
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