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Everything posted by justinwebb

  1. haha im the same way i make sure i never even let it slip out of my hands and always set it down slowly. I love this phone best phone i have ever had. I have a few friends who work at att but even they cant get discounts on the iphone
  2. last time i got rear ended they tried to pull the same crap with me that i would have to pay for it as well. I told them to either cover it or i will see them in court and they can start discussing things with my lawyer as i went to the hospital and everything. They quickly changed their tune and everything was much easier from then on out and got exactly what i wanted.
  3. Got this link from a friend Xerox is running a site that for free you can choose a card and have it sent randomly to a troop overseas. Takes all of 10 seconds to do and I am sure mean a lot to them. http://www.letssaythanks.com/ here are all the designs http://www.letssaythanks.com/AllDesigns.aspx
  4. lol someone can sit in my car and use the carpc as a gaming rig its a c2d 3.16ghz might be hard with a 7" touchscreen haha
  5. Get it for free from the sinful iPhone repo
  6. so i got bored sitting here and figured maybe it would be cool to see what some of you have as phone backgrounds. I have been working on a theme for mine for a while. The lockscreen shows the current weather like cloudy or sunny or rain or snow. Plus a 5 day forecast and current temp. I thought it was cool lol. My actual phone theme is all clear so the background images can be seen. I have about 30 images it fades between every 15 seconds which is cool. lockscreen http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/iphone/IMG_0002.pnghttp://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/iphone/IMG_0007.png home screen (yes only one page all the icons are in folders for organization) http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/iphone/IMG_0008.pnghttp://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/iphone/IMG_0012.pnghttp://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/iphone/IMG_0013.png http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/iphone/IMG_0018.pnghttp://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/iphone/IMG_0020.pnghttp://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/iphone/IMG_0016.png and a few of the folders http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/iphone/IMG_0024.pnghttp://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/iphone/IMG_0025.pnghttp://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/iphone/IMG_0026.png
  7. holy shit that was cool, ive always wanted to try stop motion
  8. I run 64 bit on all my pc's including my carpc I have never had a single problem with drivers or software
  9. I have a 9800 gt 1 gb and it runs everything on all high settings just fine
  10. this is pretty badass i would love to see it up close
  11. she used to be hot she needs to go back to a red head and eat more and stop looking all coked up
  12. troof build looks good not a fan of foxconn but then again had a board a while back so things could have changed, always been a big fan of asus or gigabyte
  13. read through this thread i think there is a link on how to get it working listed in it http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=823146&highlight=mms+on+2g
  14. i wondered this myself as i couldnt seem to find any either, i ended up finding all mine in a box still have a few hundred i didnt use lol, glad i didnt buy any more
  15. i think it would be overkill for him go with a nice lga775 dual core chip and a nice board well below that price and very functional and no need to upgrade for a while but with the correct board options it will make upgrading easy
  16. i could have handled myself inside but i didnt even see him coming at me until i was already outside on the top floor of the parking garage and i was parked in the very back corner, not many places to go. I did say stuff to him but this was after he said something to my girlfriend. He then kept walking i just shrugged it off like nothing ever happend figured he was drunk and kept going. Then walking outside to the car here comes retard running at us, not many ways to go and i was worried about getting her to the car. I could have handled myself if needed and wasnt scared my dad hits harder then anyone i have ever seen, but i am not one to fight unless needed and i knew i had a crowbar in my car so if he had followed me it would have been a little more fair lol i would never just draw a gun i have much more common sense then that
  17. lol i did this once but it was outside a warehouse near my house and the tree was 16 ft long, it was an entertaining night to say the least. This year i bought a tree from lowes for 20 bucks and it was 8ft and looked really good, forget what kind of tree but it holds some ornaments well but the heavier ones not so much haha.
  18. i realize this but someone running after you and making you run to your car calls for that moment where perhaps the other person would rethink what they are doing. I never would shoot someone unless totally needed. I shouldnt have to worry about where i park and how fast i can run to my car and try to get in just cause some drunk asshole decides to be an idiot
  19. so i am looking into getting a small handgun and my conceal carry license. Had an incident tonight leaving easton. My girlfriend and i were walking up the stairs to the parking garage when some guy walked by and grabbed her ass then kept right on walking. I said some choice words to him but he kept on walking. We head up the stairs to the car and i look back and see him running towards us i was more worried about getting her to the car as we were parked on the other side and it was 12:30 to stop and confront him with nobody else around. We got to the car and he turned around and ran back down the stairs and by the time we got to the bottom floor he was there. I wanted to stop and call the cops but she said just to keep going. Just a shitty experience overall because some asshole thinks he can do that. Well next time i want to be prepared. I am by no means one to fight as most have met me and i am 6 ft 5" and 160 lbs soaking wet. I just feel its time to go to the next step so when something like this does happen i at least have something to back myself up and protect my girlfriend. So what is a good handgun that i can carry and is small and concealable? any suggestions and where once i get a gun is a good place to take the classes.
  20. yea mine went up too just for the modem, its crazy how expensive it is here for really not getting that fast of speeds
  21. i had it and was miserable for 4 days, got some good drugs though lol.
  22. That will jailbreak it. Blackra1n jailbreaks and then you install blacksn0w which unlocks. Unlock is only Really needed if you switch carriers.
  23. yea just follow what he said you might have to kill the itunes process once it shows the pic of geohot on the phone sometimes it causes problems. If you need help let me know
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