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Everything posted by justinwebb

  1. last one i did was under some of the bridges near spaghetti warehouse
  2. if i could transport it I would buy it now but i have nothing.
  3. went and got one cut today, they were the most unfriendly parts people i have dealt with. No wonder why they are slowly going out of business
  4. i dont think the rep system is working right now. Sad panda
  5. http://www.coffincouches.com/pages/100/Coffin_Couches.html a couch that was once a coffin kinda creepy but yet cool at the same time.
  6. well crap the car is a 91 haha i hope they still can cut one or else I am SOL
  7. can any GM dealer do this? and should i bring in my title to show them i own the car. Any dealers close to campus lol i gotta walk or take the bus as the civic is out of commission right now lol
  8. Lost my door key to my Oldsmobile and since Oldsmobile is no longer around who do i go to get one cut? I was thinking a GM dealer but wasn't sure if they could.
  9. sounds to me like someone is practicing for something...perhaps a serial killer practicing on animals first. I dunno where i got that but who knows lol. Just a bit odd
  10. Hmmm they might have changed something cause i would always have my bank account as primary then on the page when you buy something it will say somewhere choose different payment method. Then I click the credit card. Is this just you sending money or are you actually checking out through a store?
  11. if he is reading what you have written i can see why he cant read shit. I have trouble lol Already mentioned but when purchasing it should say use a different method then what is listed then you select the credit card
  12. add your credit card to your paypal account?
  13. i was also interested in the specs but i found them SCFM Delivery: SCFM Delivery At 40 psi: 6.3 SCFM SCFM Delivery At 90 psi: 4.9 SCFM now if i can just figure out how to get power to my garage
  14. justinwebb


    wow thats cool sad part is i understand a lot of it lol. I need a life.
  15. justinwebb


    yea that is true they just blacklisted one of the most popular keys for xp that was the most widely used. I just used the new WGA crack and it worked like new again never thought about that though
  16. justinwebb


    sounds exciting, is it bad i kinda want it to hit computers hard just to see what happens? props to the authors of this
  17. my friend went and said it was badass i couldnt make it but wanted to i also listen to a lot of tiesto, oakenfold, atb, darude, eric morillo im a big techno/house fan
  18. i have the same bucket i think it looks better on, looks kinda naked right now
  19. in for pics and also wrong section
  20. Got this today Lock er up Thanks again man I appreciate it!!
  21. wonder what bob barker does with his time now?
  22. might stop by tomorrow and look at it he would call me gay for leaving flowers
  23. RIP man you will be missed
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