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Everything posted by justinwebb

  1. might the the IR led went bad inside or just the board in it went bad. you can buy new ones from home depot or lowes...should just be 2 wires in the back of it
  2. i have seen this before...interesting build
  3. justinwebb

    Match this

    ^ I was waiting for it
  4. i saw the PC getting dropped off at Gearhead's house today but i was busy staring at the Evo
  5. just wanted to say thanks again for taking the time to help out with the totally stupid suspension on my car, i really appreciate it and will be bringing it back once I get the new stuff. Two big thumbs up for this guy he is like Mr Wizard of cars
  6. dude i can look at your PC when i bring the car over. I can bring a copy too and get it to work for ya
  7. kill em all and let god sort it out
  8. only a thread title like this one can come from you lol
  9. god that hurts just thinking about it get better man and enjoy the meds
  10. shhh this is my favorite part
  11. ^ you are correct sir i have limited tools and cant just press in a new bushing lol...hell i dont even have a ball joint puller to take the lower arm off the car haha. Just trying to make do with what I have which is why I asked for the help cause my limited tools/knowledge only gets me so far haha I talked to Eric he gave me some ideas and once I try them I will go from there. EDIT finally 200 posts and a member since march 04 hahaha i rock
  12. yea i have the coilovers on there now just cant get them to raise the car up as the perches seem to be stuck. So I ordered new coilovers as those are trash anyways and cant get the damn strut out of the passenger side. The bottom 17mm through bolt with the nut is stuck in there and cant get it to come out at all. I just have limited tools and hope it isnt seized up in the bushing.
  13. its up on jackstands with half the suspension torn out of it
  14. yes free food like pizza or something and your choice of beer and ill give you some gas money or whatever for helping lol. Need my car raised up and coilovers are being a bitch and the perches are stuck and i dont have many tools but i have a garage. If i cant get the coilvers raised then i need some help taking the passenger side out completely as there is a bolt stuck. Trying to avoid taking off the front lower control arm but i might have to and dont have the tools to do that. I am free all the time and am located on campus. I just really need a working car
  15. i am going to make bumper stickers that say " Proud supporter of the US pole dance federation" hahaha
  16. what in the hell does that spider have...god i hate spiders, and now bot flys
  17. ugh im all itchy all over now. fucking horrible
  18. i have built a few car pc's and they can be quite useful in these situations as you can do all the gauges right from the screen of the PC. next time you are over at the apt i can show you lol
  19. wow that is crazy to say the least, great pics
  20. justinwebb

    Jury Duty

    i got a notice that i had to do jury duty but was able to get out of it
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