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Everything posted by justinwebb

  1. to bad you cant sell stuff anywhere else or even use google checkout with ebay.
  2. ugh i feel them too i have horrible ones and seem to be allergic to everything, but as of lately its been worse. I use claratin i have tried zyrtec once but made me drowsy and lightheaded
  3. I have a Toshiba 6100 Laptop that doesnt work it did as of yesterday but today wont turn on just blinks an error code. I think its the power board. Has 1.8 GHZ processor, 1 GB Ram, wifi, new keyboard, screen is in good shape. asking 100 bucks might be an easy fix who knows
  4. pigeon forge is a good place has almost everything you can think of to do. I stayed in a cabin near townsend TN its a lot quieter and no traffic and is close to the park. There is always dollywood also haha
  5. i think i went to high school with you, regardless welcome to the site.
  6. i have had the dare for a while and love it havent had one problem with it yet but it does scratch easy so look into an invisible shield i think its called
  7. what is the whole DD-WRT thing about i have seen that before just never really understood what was so great about it. i have the linksys wrt54g2 i think and it works great so far
  8. mmmmm jimmy johns i order there at least 2 times a week, its like crack
  9. i would say sucks to be them, where is my food. i have worked fast food and its hell but hey its a job
  10. justinwebb

    now thats

    sucks that some poor bastard will have to go around and pick up all the annoying bottle rocket sticks now
  11. its not usb its whatever port a joystick would plug into before usb but they make adapters. bump for the rest of the stuffs will do $40 for the American eagle gift cards The rest is OBO lol
  12. go for it then she might say you owe her money too haha. I would hit it too just with a semi truck
  13. the roommates ex http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewProfile&friendID=17864453 haha i was bored
  14. got 2sources of video one was a camera in my pocket with video recording for backup audio and another was my cell video recording pointed toward her at my side and could see everything!!! well her mom just came over and demanded her money and stuff claiming she will sue me and get me kicked out she then proceed to call us every name in the book and technically assaulted my roommate and told him that her boyfriend is going to beat his ass. SO i then called CPD and had a long chat with them and let them see the fun filled video. we are filing a restraining order and pressing charges to shut them up but i still assume that we will go to small claims. I just hope i can talk to the apt people stating that she never lived here just spent the night and such and also tell them we got a restraining order.
  15. cool guy thanks thinking about since she isnt going to give the key back for the apartment unless she has her money. I need the key back since she also has the mailbox key and since she doesnt live here and the key is mine i consider it theft, and why else would you need a key for an apartment you dont live in unless you were planning to steal/vandalize my stuff, so i plan on getting a police officer and telling her to give my key back so there are no further incidents and tim thanks a lot for the advice that was a lot of good info that i needed. where do i go to file a restraining order against them my roommmate has also been harassed by her and is on my side so i will have him file too, but i just dont know where lol
  16. her mom just called my on my cell and left a msg stating that if my roommate doesnt have the money then she will be talking to my apt manager and also taking me to small claims court for the money since i am the only one on the lease. I saved the msg to my pc if anyone wants to hear it haha hopefully some video tomorrow. So should i be worried?
  17. well i guess her mom is coming tomorrow evening to pick up the rest of the stuff and she says we had better have the money or else she will call the apt and a lawyer. I am video recording the whole incident so if for some reason it would go to court or anything else i have evidence of what was said. My roommate seems to think she will get loud or hostile if she doesnt get the money so the video will also be if needed if i have to call the police for any dispute lol. Just trying to cover my ass. Any other suggestions lol
  18. nope none and i was just more worried with her threatening to call the apartment complex then the money, as i dont want to get evicted over her bullshit.
  19. anyone able to pull it off their dvr i missed it and there isnt a good copy on any torrent sites
  20. I have an issue with my current roommate and ill try to explain the situation. I have lived in my apartment and only my name is on the lease. My other roommate and his girlfriend moved in october and we all split the bills. there was no written agreement between us stating that they had to pay money or the time frame in which they were staying. At the beginning of this month they paid the 2/3 of the rent to me in cash as always never any checks and all was great. Last week my roommate broke up with his girlfriend and kicked her out and she came and got most of her belongings from here. Now she is saying that we owe her the rent money back and saying she will get a lawyer and talk to the apartment complex. She could have stayed for the remainder of the month and i dont think that i should have to pay her back at all, i just dont want to get kicked out of the apartment because I am technically subletting. There is no evidence what so ever that she ever paid the rent at all so proving it in court would be impossible. So how should i go about this cause i have no job at the time so no income to even start to pay any money back and nor should i have to i think.
  21. i have quite a few sets around here from old hard drives, i use them as fridge magnets but you cant usually get them off haha
  22. i have had my finger pinched in some hard drive magnets too and they are a bitch to get apart and hurt like hell
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