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Everything posted by justinwebb

  1. justinwebb

    Wtb Psu

    i have a 380 watt psu 20 bucks and its yours
  2. thorne that was taken care of and is done figured i would update i just got off the phone with the ohio attorney generals office they said they checked around a few places to see where i should call as its out of their hands since its a federal matter since they are selling nationwide to all prisons. They said it took a while cause they even called the FBI to see if they can investigate at all but now i have some more numbers to call since i know who i have to talk to.....so i will keep you all posted lol
  3. last time a person needed to use a garage it didnt end up so well, so i dunno how good of a response you will get. Just figured i would put that out there.
  4. justinwebb

    Wtb Vcr

    i got one that im not using im on campus if you are ever in the area its yours for free
  5. i am with ya on that one i always have a huge breaker bar in my car which always works too...i would have trashed his car a lot worse though
  6. you less than 3 lamp i dont get it??? i have 4 lamps
  7. well I talked to my HR chick and since i was technically still suspended I just told her i was resigning so it would not be that i got fired. She said she had talked to some of the people at my work and they told her that I took pics of food she then asked me if i did. I said no cause technically i took pics of food that had the expiration date changed so she just didnt ask the right questions hahahah...she then said if i did the company will take them seriously and prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.....lol so you do illegal stuff and try to scare me into not telling others about it...nice try
  8. were you saying its high? thanks for the bump
  9. im selling my graphics card i bought cause i am now upgrading the pc. THis was used for about 3 months havent overclocked it at all but its great for overclocking due to the huge cooling on the board. It works great and can show the card running when bought. asking 140 OBO this is pretty much the top of the line card for the AGP slot Specs: HIS Radeon HD 3850 IceQ 3 Turbo Video Card - 512MB GDDR3, AGP 8x, (Dual Link) Dual DVI, HDTV, HDMI Support
  10. i liked scorched earth way back when.... this had nothing to do with this thread
  11. PM'd you and im not moving i dunno where you got that i am staying until the lease is up and i have nothing to do with the car as i already talked to the police
  12. yea i didnt care really either but now i magically do hahahah and yes i can fix computers why do you ask?
  13. they supply food and clothes to most of the larger prisions in the US and a bunch of stuff that prisoners can buy themselves like cd players, tv's and the like
  14. its called Union supply company in groveport
  15. well unless you are in jail you have nothing to worry about as we supply the nations prisons with food and clothes wait why did i say we arrrrg
  16. o i work at a warehouse have for a year and a half and today they fired me for a safety violation. It was bullshit cause the kid who told on me had a problem with me since he started a few weeks back. He claimed i walked out in front of the forklift but i saw him and at the time when i walked by he wasn't moving but as soon as I got in front of him he started moving even though he saw me. He made threats against me by telling others i should watch my mouth or else and a few other things. I told management but they did nothing. So now i am fucked but the good thing is that the company was shady as shit and i have pics of them changing expiration dates on food so they can sell them still, fire door chained shut and a few other things, really hate to leak it to the news cliffs: Got fired cause a kid hates me and made up shit made threats against me before but management does nothing company is shady as fuck and changes dates on food and i have pics to prove it profit?
  17. just saw this thread and watched it and i got the same thing i have a friend at work whom is always god this and god that and we argue all the time about evolution vs creationism...i am going to tell him to watch this video. He will try to come up with random crap as usual to say its wrong
  18. wtf never heard of it... looks kinda dumb though
  19. so what about the people that died on the airplanes did they just move them to Antarctica?
  20. it was on a tripod lol i just need to learn how to change the shutter speed and such
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