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Everything posted by justinwebb

  1. I have a bedroom available in my 2br apartment now until the end of January. It's a 2 bedroom, 1 bath. We don't smoke or have any pets, but we don't mind if you smoke. It's just off west campus, but it's a pretty quiet area. No crime problems and parking is off the street, lit, and in view through the windows. The room will come furnished but you're welcome to bring your own. The room has it's own entry/exit out the back. Also we had new carpet put down in February. Rent is 345 plus half of utilities, (water, electric, and gas). We also have roadrunner internet which you are welcome to use.
  2. i honestly dont feel sorry for them you know the dangers when you live there is like living in tornado ally and complaining that your house blew away from a tornado well no shit move and you wont have that problem...let it flood
  3. i have been looking at the new titanium voyager and the dare trying to decide between the two now since my new every 2 is up in 10/08
  4. justinwebb

    Must Read

    i will watch it fo sho
  5. yea i have them somewhere just never uploaded them and i have a ton of new pics of it as those are kinda old...if you wanna know more about it or have any questions feel free to PM me i have built a few Carpc's now
  6. enough said....might not be work safe ...... http://forums.nicoclub.com/zerothread/358460 first chick is eh but the rest are great sorry if its a repost
  7. it looks pretty durable if it can roll down hills and stuff there are a few types one which you can tie yourself in so you roll with it or you can fill it with a little watter so you stay in place as it rolls but still would be a blast going down some nice white water or even behind a boat lol
  8. yep a few grand...they look like a blast though We should start a CR fund for a Zorb kinda wanna seal one up and just float on water not sure how to breathe but its a minor detail
  9. i got a no front plate in freaking Lithopolis and had to go to court over it so just be glad you can just pay the fine
  10. i looked into buying a Zorb they look like a blast
  11. that is a freaky ass bug i hope i never see it anywhere
  12. they tried to break into my car at the parking garage down from brothers but they couldnt seem to get past the lock they chipped away at the door handle and door but never got in....i say set up a sting i would help out and even donate my car hahaha
  13. neither can my gf and i thought she was the only one i always make fun of her for it too lol
  14. gonna try and go saturday morning hopefully the civic wont get jacked lol
  15. my dad and brother do a bunch of the tournaments and such for bass fishing...they are crazy about it i think they have 3 boats now and they always do pretty well i can find a ton of spots for ya locally i just gotta ask i think they have them all marked on gps
  16. dumb question but any civics that arent all stripped out by the mexicans
  17. can you get me a good deal on the dare? looking at getting a new phone.
  18. apple IIci 25 MHZ 40 MB HDD RAM:1MB Level 1 Cache .5k yea i know impressive isnt it the sad part is i still have one
  19. breakers have been sold radios sold 10 for the LG bluetooth 10 for the TV printer is going in the trash so free if you come get it lol
  20. im on the level called "mission to mars" and im stuck lol its pissing me off
  21. So today at work one of our trucking companies decides to bring in the semi with the R&L NASCAR and truck. They even brought food for us and started the car up and revved it to about 4 grand....loud as shit...so it was kinda a nice to get free food and see a fast car that turns left a lot. I asked if he would race me down and back in the parking lot or from a 40 roll he said no http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/Nascar/0729080952.jpg http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/Nascar/0729081138.jpg http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/Nascar/0729081138a.jpg http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/Nascar/0729081138b.jpg http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/Nascar/0729081139.jpg http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/Nascar/0729081139a.jpg http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/Nascar/0729081139c.jpg http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/Nascar/0729081140b.jpg http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w264/justinwebb24/Nascar/0729081207.jpg
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