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Everything posted by Mowgli1647545497

  1. Re: the building to building thing. You people need to watch more Penn and Teller. They showed all this over a decade ago. Angel is being suspended from a crane and everybody, *everybody*, from the camera men to the "witnesses" is in on the gig. Never, ever, trust something presented on TV. Everything you see is potentially staged.
  2. I doesn't feel like the ultimate rollercoaster. It doesn't feel like anything really, except heavy. I stayed awake up and in it throughout, but I definitely had tunneling at 7g. As for the pukers.... pussies! I still have my unused bag. Navy's abit different though. Eventually you go up with a Marine instructor and he *will* put you under and he *will* make you puke. (cept me -booyah).
  3. Hey all, Looking into a camera purchase. But I have little idea what to get, and so would appreciate any help. Here's my criteria: Has to be pretty rugged Has to have an external camera mount, like a lipstick camera, that can affixed to a helmet with a long enough wire to run back to the camera so it can be placed in a pocket Has to have decent recording length (2hrs min) Has to be small enough to fit into an oversized pocket Has to have decent battery life or easily swappable batteries (6 hour min preferred) My brother in law has one of these, its got no moving parts, its super rugged and built for extreme sports. http://reviews.cnet.com/Samsung_SC_X105L/4505-6451_7-31337431.html At first glance it seemed just the ticket, but... while I like it, once ew got to using it we found the restrictions imposed by the memory stick capacity and the fact that it tends to go into sleep mode when not directly filming after some period of time and you can't turn it back to record easily (cant do it at all from the external lens control once its gone to sleep - you have to dig out the camera from your pocket, flip open the screen, navigate thru the menus... pita). Looking at minidisks for their capacity, but i'm open to any tech thats doable. All suggestions appreciated - thx in advance
  4. I won't argue that 1080p is head and shoulders above 1080i. Funny, my tv has 1080i, 720p, 480p and 480i selections, though... Heck, by the time the industry gets their heads out of their butts and settles down on a blueray/hddvd standard and the title libraries get big enough I'll look at buying a DLP. But thats going to be another 2-3 years easy minimum. By which time some plasmas will have started fading, projection owners will be on their 3rd, 4th bulb, or so, and LCDs will have a good collection of dead pixels to enjoy. Then I'll buy a larger screen for less $ with more features. All the while enjoying my 65" of bigscreen that is overkill for any current feeds that I can put into it. EDIT: that came off too sanctimonious. My point only is that Mojoe and Nitrous aren't necessarily shooting themselves in the foot looking at these "old tech" TVs simply because nobody (or few) can use the capabilities of the new stuff. Japan and europe(?) "need" these display capabilities today because they have feeds that support them. The US and dvd industry isnt there yet, imo.
  5. Go DLP. I've got a gut feeling LCD buyers are going to be kicking themselves right alongside to the plasma buyers in a few years time (but I've got no facts to back that up, just a hunch).
  6. Old technology or no - until you can feed it a better signal than is available today, you're wasting your money. My 3 year old 65" 1080i rear projection Mitsubishi Medallion is as "old tech" as it gets, and it still kicks crisp clear ass and its still overkill for anything anyone can feed into it: dvd, hdtv, game input, blueray, hddvd, you name it. Keep the guns aligned ( a 6yr can do it) keep the screen cleaned (needed for any tech tv) and it'll continue to look great. LCDs and Plasmas are for fools who want to spend money while forgetting to look at the whole package (and that whole package includes the input's limitations). The *only* time I'd look at one of those overpriced, un-time-proven techs is if for some reason I had a room consideration that 1) forced odd viewing angles, or 2) really tight space limitations for depth. Everyone else just drank the store salesmen's koolaid. (Although I'd seriously consider projectors, if it weren't for the bulbheat stench).
  7. Um, no. EDIT that: maybe a wrecked one. Maybe.
  8. Both the following are true and add up + = Go to college after work. In the end it'll pay off immensely. Also, on a tangent, please don't be an auto factory worker. You'll want to retain some sense of actually earning what you're paid. And I think there was a clinical study that proved non-leeches live longer.
  9. I just totally lured a civic into a speedtrap. Commute into work can't get better than that. Its gonna be a great day.
  10. Yeah, had a cat that played fetch with bottlecaps. The new one plays fetch with milk rings.
  11. Dont need to see it - think I heard all the funniest lines in this thread.
  12. How loud is that liquid cooling? I pitched my thermaltake liquid cooling from my last rig when I built the new one because of noise. It wasn't the Bigwater though.
  13. I dunno, I kinda like this: http://www.gmcanada.com/images/vehicles/2005/cadillac/ctsv/cadi_ctsv_over_main.jpg
  14. They have seeders back thu 2005 episodes pretty ok. 2003 is 50-50. And after that there are no seeders at all. So I disagree. Some of the best episodes were prior to 2005.
  15. The majority of the torrents listed on FinalGear are not being seeded so not available. Certainly all the old ones are. And of course BBC is incapable of hosting anything on the internet worth a crap, just try to get anything from their site, so you can consider the TopGear archive gone.
  16. http://www.leftlanenews.com/2006/07/25/end-of-a-brief-era-bbc-removes-top-gear-from-video-websites/ BBC sucks wank.
  17. Actually thats exactly the only way you get the coal plants to go away. animal power->wood->coal->diesel->fission->??? Not one of those better/cleaner energy advancements were driven by legislation anywhere in the world. Not the research, not the adoption, not the migration, not the shutdown of the old. None of it.
  18. http://imgfarm.com/images/fashion/feed/20050715122B.JPG Where are the boobs? She should stick to racing. Dyed hair, whitened teeth, and an average face. The rest... eh. 13yr boys got more curves. Model, she aint.
  19. And a nice soft piece of non-pot-metal rebar outlasts em both. Collision dynamics ftw. Oh but its gotta be a katana that'll perform best... Cuz otherwise you get a whole lot of martial arts junk dealers in hong kong unable to unload their truckloads of trash on world teenagers if the mythos of the japanese sword is brought down to reality. When do they stab the car door and proclaim wakasashi > Mac truck? This kind of stuff cracks me up. Suckers. And you'd be shot twice instead of once.
  20. I was too negative there. Let me switch hit. People can only read about negativity and warnings for so long. It drains you. What people want to listen to is positivity, innovation and progress. You got guys like Al Gore out there trying really hard to warn people about global warming. But you know, you don't need to warn people. They've been warned. The reason change isn't happening isn't because people aren't warned. Its because there's no alternative. If you've got no choice, what are you going to do? Hell I beleive that even creates some of the global warming neysayers. They know there's no alternative so they rationalize away the problem itself. What guys like Al Gore ought to be doing is going around showing alternatives. Spend a minute or two on the problem, the warning. Then dump that shit, get off it. Show the promising new alternatives. Give some examples of "here's a little company in Iowa thats doing dah dah dah" and so on. Get people educated about the alternatives. People including heads of business. Because if you think for one minute the CEO of Exxon wouldn't jump on an alternative clean-energy fuel source if he viably could from a business point of view in an instant, you're nuts. Everybody wants to move forward, to get better, fundamentally. What Al and the other folks need to do is show ways forward. Ways everyone can go forward. First world and third world countries. Small business and big business. But this current set of zero-sum-game, for one group to win another group has to lose, just sets up a fight for no reason. A fight the entrenched energy edifice is equipped and prepared to fight well. Stop picking the wrong fights. Hell stop picking fights. Open the other door for people instead.
  21. You know, I've got a simple truth for you all, some would call it the white elephant standing in the room, and its this: The best way to remove these and all contaminating and polluting energy sources is by inventing a better cleaner one and driving it to market. One thats cheaper. Push the legacy technologies to extinction by business nessecity. Hemhawing and legislative wrangling can all be ignored, circumvented, delayed, or outright stopped. You're wasting tons of human effort on stopgap ragplugs. Infrastructure edifice the size of humanity's energy need has never changed and never will by legislation, it changes only by progress. Read some history for all the proof you'll need. I'm sure there are some very important and passionately argued laws about the steam industry still on books. You know what? Who gives a sh!t about them? How about this - for every two lawyers you support (who ultimately make thier money from the fight itself, same as their opponent - foolish then to think such a fight will end quickly, yes? "Hey lets end this quick so we're both out of a paycheck." "Sounds good to me." ...), for every two of them you support, support one inventor. Support inventors and innovative small companies. Get flippin educated about science or instill in your kids the reality that its important. EDIT: I started to go on and on about how law wrangling is a waste of time. The law bends to social trends. Social trends include the market, hell are the market. You want democracy and capitalism to survive and thrive over fascism and communism? Support it. Support invention. Leapfrog right over the legislative arguing. Don't bother or waste breathe winning an argument. Make it a moot point. Or support the never-ending, ultimately-will-go-nowhere, status-quo-extending legislative arguing and waste everybody's time. I'm sure our grandkids will thank us.
  22. Imagine Samurai Sammy's Surprise when he finds the two halves of the just-cleft bullet are as lethal as the whole bullet itself. RIP Sammy Samurai. Cause of death - twin gunshot wounds to the torso. At least theres a little less idiotic gum flapping over sword uberness this time this thing got drug up. You could put a piece of rebar up there and it'd fare as well. In fact I think someone else later did but I don't remember the link.
  23. Um no. IIRC the GM ram air was a joke. I remember a couple guys over at the Don Scott windtunnel laughing at one they tested. The real accomplishment was they made good hp in spite of the induction hoods. Came this -><- close to buying one in all black to replace my black ZX-11, but then I couldn't get past the side slats and the nose. Nice looking bike, but not quite enough to get me to bite yet. Same for the busa. I'll stick with my 145hp 10yr old zx11. Now, if some aftermarket pieces came out to replace those slats, I'd be all over one of these (wife willing).
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