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Everything posted by Mowgli1647545497

  1. http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2005-2/944597/BrownBag.JPG
  2. You're all Queens, not Kings. I however am a freely re-elected dictatorial emperor who usurped power in a bloodless coup. Of my cul-de-sac.
  3. Yeah. I don't give 2grams of weight to statistical predictions, or trends posted by any org, I know the accuracy rate of such projections are invariably abysmal. I also know the science of it and I know enough history to know that great changes and "impossible" engineering can happen when and if societies want them to. If *I* can figure out how to make 18tons of rocket fuel from the "air" on Mars with only a few hundred pounds of catalysts, a previously "impossible" engineering task, I dang well know someone(s) here can figure out how to make hydrogen in large quantities from renewables on earth. I don't need a government org to tell me if it can be done or not based on current industry statistics. Starting from ground bleeping ZERO - we can get there *if* we want to.
  4. You can build more nuclear plants. You can also build geothermal stations, tidal stations, dams. There's alot of ways to generate the large scale electricity this would need, with the appropriate economies of scale offsetting efficiency devolvement, without burning one ounce of fossil fuels. (BTW - I think nuclear power plants will again become a social-acceptance viable power alternative once the current generation of programmed flower-power cold-war-rattled atomic-phobic automatons ages out of power.) I don't think anyone means to imply the electrolysis is onboard the vehicles nor that the current energy infrastructure is the only thing to be used to generate the electrolysis for such an effort. That'd be stupid. Kinda like the *last* time(s) we had this exact same discussion on this exact same topic in this exact same forum...
  5. Ok that video wasnt so hot, but thats not the real story here. The real story is there's a vid posted on Streetfire of a Supra not winning or being in front of something else. OMG! Isn't that illegal in the 2F2F handbook or something? Does the kid lose his membership card for doing that?
  6. Exactly - its like firewire and USB. Also, when you talk "big players" and backing - you don't need anybody else than Microsoft. Understand that Microsoft could buy every movie studio, Sony, Panasonic, Phillips, Pioneer, LG Electronics, Hitachi, Sharp, and Dell. Thats no hype, those are the numbers based off net worth. Also, historically hardware manufacturers and vendors like those last listed take less than 1 fiscal quarter to do complete about-faces on technology offerings. They're geared for rapid response. Who they're sitting with is really an indication of nothing other than a recent kickback. They'll be on board with a product lineup for sale of whatever technology customers want to buy in less than 3 months.
  7. Agreed. For Playstation only though. None of the other players in the market will adopt it for their consoles, and Sony's already lost the "tech licensing to taiwan" battle to hddvd. It's over. The industries just don't know it yet. But I can tell you this for free: the PS4 won't be bluray...
  8. HDDVD - Just a fair warning: you guys putting so much faith into Sony/PS are going to get burned if you pile up a big blueray disc collection. The consoles don't nearly drive the tech trends that that sub-industry thinks they do. Not even remote. Sony is losing that tech battle and are already exercising some strong arm corporate tactics to get Blu Ray installed as the defacto default. It didn't work before, won't work with Blu Ray. Sony continues to not learn from their mistakes. The music industry, audio hardware, games... If they knew what they were doing there shouldnt even exist an xbox or wii. The writing is on the wall.
  9. What happens when an Arab F-bod meets an Israeli Fox Body? JIHAD!
  10. I recommend XM over Sirius. Stations are better. I don't listen to Stern so I wasn't forced to the dog.
  11. Question - I assume that service plan does not cover content downloaded, which I presume you still need to pay for? (I'm not talking about the free youtube crap) Anyway, its a good corporate move for Apple. They lost the PC battle so staying ahead of MS and the myriad micro clones by moving into the convergence space first is a good move. There is an iTunes rebellion brewing in the wings though. Just be ready for it, Apple, to jump to the next stone over the river: Sony got a big fat taste of how fast content-based revenue can evaporate. But I've no doubt they'll have something good to move onto next when that happens. Jobs is good at riding that wavefront. Slick device. I'll be looking at one of these when my contract comes up in 2 years and there are alternative devices and service plans driving the price down to where it should be.
  12. I'm not sorry for the fans. And I'm not sorry for the team either. The team should be ashamed of themselves after that game.
  13. Mowgli1647545497

    O H

    I'm sorry I didn't know I was watching a football game. OSU looks like a bunch of Special Olympians. Turning that shit off after the interception. Disgusting.
  14. That's new for 06-07. 04-~06 -> LS6 400hp rating (actual ~405-410) 06-07 -> LS2 400hp rating The engine switchover wasn't a clean break at model year for 06. (PS- I like the LS6 better but thats me, wonder why....) Everything you need to know about Vs is here: http://www.cadillacfaq.com/faq/index.html and here: http://www.cadillacforums.com/forums/cadillac-cts-v-series-forum/ The cjones guy has an 18 page thread on his lemon odyssey over at the forums if you're interested.
  15. That car is indeed in limp home mode. And that owner is a douche. However - if his diff has blown and been replaced, there's more going on here than is being shown on camera. You blow the diffs in Vs by hard launching and not paying attention to the wheelhop. Alot. So that car has seen a *hard* 12,000 miles. Wether at the hands of that tool or some previous owner who knows. Linn - yes every CTS-V is a 6 speed manual (T56) Lustalbert - there is no such thing as an LS2 CTS-V, they are all LS6 powered FST94TSI - I got 8,000 miles out of my stock tires, heh. Beyond that my car is kicking the shit build-quality and reliability-wise out of every import I've owned (honda, merc, bmw, mitsu, to date). As for performance... well, you pick the equivalent pricepoint import, and I'll bury it for you. BTW - my last company partner, VP of Sales, lemoned 2, count em 2, BMW M5s in a row (the first ones with the iDrive I beleive). Pieces of crap they were.
  16. Yeah, that looks, it looks, it, looks... Oh yeah: http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2005-2/944597/fangs2.JPG
  17. My krzr (w 2gigs) plays mp3s now, does alot more than just play songs, and looks alot better than that ipodophone imo. The chocolate is not remotely the best mp3 playing phone already out there. There are quite a few better. Satan - I think I accurately described the official Steve Jobs' Bay Area Flowerpower/techie Forgot-they-are-old-men dress code. Was I missing something? Perhaps the Zima in their left hand? I guess I just don't swoon when apple breathes. Probably because I've got the long picture: I've seen and used alot of their products at work and home (computer and personal devices) from their beginnings in the 70s - started right with the apple I (the one you assembled) - they are by no means design gods. But then, I am immune to marketing, peer pressure, pack mentality, innuendo, and rumormills. This could be a fine product for all I know. But its not pure sex. There's no bewbs for one thing....
  18. I hear that phone only fits in the pocket of someone wearing blue jeans, a button-down black cotton shirt, and loafers. *yawn*
  19. Oh, also the VX8600's interface software is alot nicer. The menu's, layout, all of it. (The KRZR is the better phone for me, but the 8600 is the better phone. There are other reasons I didn't list I chose the KRZR but they're not ones I expect most people to have, just peculiarities that matter to me.)
  20. I'd been eyeing the RS4 with worry. But dodged a bullet there this year with that pricetag - no need to "Mallet" the V yet. Good thing with a kid on the way too. The M I'm not worried about... but probably should be.
  21. This is funny - we just went phone shopping last week. My wife bought the LG and I bought the KRZR. Both are nice phones, but the LG has a nicer form factor, screen, and software. I would have gotten the LG over the KRZR if not for its keypad which I didn't care for, its needs an adapter for usb, its abit less rugged than the KRZR, and the fact it doesnt have a speakerphone (yet), which I need. Other than those minor quibbles its the better phone (plus it costs less). My guess is you won't be sorry you bought it, although as said it is still very new.
  22. Just a quick FYI: Drifting didn't start in Japan. It started right here in America over 40+ years ago. Japanese kids copied that and added their style then americans too young to remember anything older than their own diapers picked up on the oriental version and thought it was new. Same as most anything. In fact - 90% of what kids think originates in Japan... didn't. (Cept maybe girl robots...)
  23. Sweet. Imagine how fast they can retreat from the germans with that baby.
  24. Those are special built aerobatic planes, but aren't race planes. (Love the guy who labeled that vid acrobatics, btw. I spent the whole time looking for leotards and floor mats. The idiot.) The reason they can do those manuevers is because they are designed such that the propeller wash itself provides enough flow over the rear control surfaces (and somewhat on the ailerons) to allow them to remain able to move the plane even at near zero airspeed. Regular planes cannot do that. They also have very high load wings. Some rival and beat the F16 in roll rate. Aerobatics are tiring. It feels just like it looks like it feels. But you do get thrown around in the harness (no matter how tight you make it) so you come back tired in places you aren't used to being strained and tired in. BTw Eric you need to get yourself to here: http://www.aircombat.com Its not alot of money and you'll have a blast. (Just don't use the term "drfiting" in front of the pilots... )
  25. $250 per day fine? I think the interest on the interest of his hairspray savings account is more than that...
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