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Everything posted by Mowgli1647545497

  1. to find the mutants from the bio-spill attacking her cottage.
  2. Braver idiots sitting on the ramps. Or you could just watch landings in S. America
  3. Dangerous as hell too. Read up on wingtip vortices. But you're just going to the wrong airshows. I once enjoyed a low and slow pass of an SR71 go right overhead not 50 ft up. ...not a public airshow though...
  4. Vettes and f-bods *yawn* <---- Winner, Unique Award 2004 CTS-V LS6
  5. http://www.suprnova.org Not that cawk http://www.supErnova.org, but the real deal as acquired and resurrected by piratebay. Loved the following: and especially the following If this is a repost, blow me.
  6. Tell me again: What does the government deficit have to do with the strength or weakness of the (private sector) economy? Aside from showing us how much we're either overpaying or the govt is overspending, I mean. Anyone that looks at a govt surplus and is happy needs to have their testicles yanked and call it a grooming.
  7. What did Reagan do? One word: Reykjavik Read up some time on the summit - absolutely fascinating. Drama and tension x1000 and stakes as high as they get: survival of the human race. And Reagan was one of only a handful of presidents that could have pulled that off ( Kennedy, both Rosevelts, Grant, Lincoln, Washington). It was the biggest role of his life and he played it perfectly. That was the moment the Soviet Union cracked and broke. Everything else was the visible aftereffects. Its really interesting to read how he'd go outside during breaks, in the bitter cold nonetheless, and confer with his close friends and advisors how and if he was doing the right thing. Even in the middle of beleiving he was. Its that unsurety makes him so human. Gorbachev gets all the credit nowadays in the world of america sucks, but it was Reagan, and his previous credibility built up through his military buildup that turned the Soviet ship. It was this that switched Gorbachev's growing uneasy feeling into a cold lit realization and afterward a steadfast resolution that "we could not match this", that they now, the soviets, had to choose mutual destruction or stepping off the world stage as a superpower. And Gorbachev himself wrote so in his memoirs. Credit for Gorbachev for making the human choice. But credit to Reagan for creating the moment, illuminating it perfectly, forcing the choice, at the perfect, and probably only, moment in time that it could be made with even a hope of the right conclusion, and then not blinking. We owe him immensely. The "we" being humanity, not just americans. So what if we have to pay for it by giving up our govt provided retirement entitlements? Small price. You're welcome, world. We'll just have to save some money, give to our neighbors, and toast Gorbachev and REAGAN every Oct 12th. Now lets see if he and Gorbachev saved humanity from themselves or just bought us another hundred years....
  8. Also - if we're going to talk about the war with Japan or are at all interested in the conflict, you owe it to yourself to visit http://www.combinedfleet.com/kaigun.htm This is a japanese website, about the japanese wwii navy, but regardless it is excellently written, studied, and has some really good insights into the wider conflict (beyond the big boats knocking heads). Particularly: Why Japan really lost the war. I'll quote the conclusion: and also, from his disclaimer page: and: http://www.combinedfleet.com/friends.jpg
  9. The japanese were not above civilian attacks. They just couldn't attack *our* civilians in any measure meaningful. But ask the Chinese, ask the Koreans, ask the Philipinos, ask the Australians, ask anyone in the pacific rim just how honorable the imperial japanese army was. Please don't portray imperial japan as somehow morally superior to the contempory United States. Ask China how honorable the japanese were in war. Facts remain that we treated our enemies far better than japan ever did. Facts remain that we treated our "vanquished contries" better than any axis power did over their conquered territory - and we gave ours back. Today's fashion of America hating and self-loathing cannot alter facts. Cherry pick events, yes. Distort statistics, ets. Cover up incovenient reality, yes, But not change what happened. More people died in the Dresden bombings and in the Tokyo firestorm bombings than in both atomic bombs combined. More people died at the battle of Stalingrad than all of these combined. Dead is dead. Do not cry out against America for what Japan's leadership brought on to their people. The japanese should be enraged at the Tojo govt, not Truman. The smart ones were and are. You do not start a war and then criticize the manner in which your victim ends it. The culture of the Japanese of the 50s was of immense shame for what THEY did. Only as these men who actually fought died off an another generation came into adulthood did that start to change. A generation with no knowledge of what actually happened. I don't give a shit what anime protrays because I know from personal friends who grew up in Osaka what history Japanese public schools did *not* teach them (indeed were banned from teaching them) for the past 50 years. 20 something cartoon artists weened on pop culture and internet half-histories are not even remotely a source for unbiased historical perspective. ---------- <- step-grandfather at Pearl Harbor. Biological grandfather killed in Ardennes. Grand Uncle at Iwo Jima. Grand Uncle in Bataan death march.
  10. Just scratched his arm. Then the elephant: "Largest land animal, bitch!" *stomp* Fur rug. ------------------- Link to "full" video is in the comments.
  11. After all the losses in the off season you're pumped to start? What have we got coming back, like one guy? OTOH, yeah it sucks to loose the vets, but after the embarrassment to FL we needed to change the lineup.
  12. how are you coping with the complete absence of torque?
  13. Where did you take those pics? Did they clean up the nose over the previous Hayabusa? Tough to tell.
  14. Biblical Myth. They also tell you that the meek shall inherit the earth, and we all know thats a load of shit. Cuz if they do I'm going to push em down and take it from em. Also, note the one on the right getting the ass whuppin is more hairy. There's a gradient scale of hairiness to pussyness. Ironically, thats just what the thing on the left is. Which also dispells that painting as fiction: Sampson didn't wrastle no pussies. Sampson liked the cawk. http://richardsimmons.com/images/richard/aboutimg.jpg Hurray for you? Um, enjoy that lack of testosterone?
  15. The thinner your hair the more ass you can kick. The thicker your hair the more of a pussy you are. Scientific fact. Allow me to demonstrate: http://img2.timeinc.net/ew/dynamic/imgs/060322/13367__theshield_l.jpg
  16. fbods as flaming ghey as the naked men in 300....
  17. I have to give the guy props, he walks you thru the whole build. Crazy-ass Australians, gotta love em. Any group of people who make Holdens and drivable hobby tanks has gotta have some American in their blood somewhere. The transmission is the capper. Its frigging elegant.
  18. No I am referring to electing a candidate who brings an Apollo program-like promise to office: "We will be off of fossil fuels in 10 years" Not any more crazy than John F Kennedy in 1968: "We will put a man on the moon and return him safely before the end of this decade" America is the only country on this planet that could do this. And we should. Wether its electric or hydrogen or frazenblop energy, the govt can tax it all they like. And heck the big energy companies of today can sell it to us. I don't care if I top off my frazenblop-powered sports coupe at a Shell or BP frazenblop station. Nobody has to lose. We all stand to gain.
  19. Neither Gore nor Kerry (nor Bush for that matter) had, have, or planned to have such a plan. ....nor do any of the upcoming candidates. ...yet. ...until WE make it a big enough deal for them to.
  20. If you people hate gas prices so much elect a president and congress that'll put an Apollo program in place for alternative energy instead of belly ache on a forum. Or shut up. Still, it ain't so bad, I get to: *laugh at the SUV owners*
  21. I wish I could spends hours and hours working to not spend $10. You guys' "free time" hourly rate must be way low. Money can be replaced. Time cannot. But hey if you're that cheap, come work in my yard for four hours. I'll give you ten bucks. And a free soda.
  22. Sweet. And let us not forget why the original was one of the best that ever lived, if not the best:
  23. You'd need a huge lottery to pay for the massive insurance premiums on the policy you'd have to carry as the owner of such a place in the United States of Litigation.
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