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Everything posted by Mowgli1647545497

  1. The device itself uses a very high decibel loudspeaker to broadcast this pulse. There'd be no "ignoring" it.
  2. People, the background sounds (street sounds, people, etc) are NOT the sound, they're just ambient background noise from the recording. If you could hear this you'd know it - it is a high frequency oscillating sinewave sound. The younger you are, or rather the less high pitched hearing you've lost from natural age or damage, the louder it is. I can somewhat faintly hear it if I crank it up, but if I turn it up to a level where its noticable by me, for younger people who can hear it would be deafening.
  3. You're right coty. And you're right too Sam. It started as a product to annoy loitering punks outside shops. Kids, being the ever resourceful ones, have co-opted it to use as a "stealth" ringtone. The older you get sooner or later you'll not be able to hear the high pitched tone. We all lose high pitch hearing, some sooner than others (depends alot on how much loud music you listen to). I grew up with my dad being in a band so I've been subjected to a lifetime of loud music and at 38 I don't hear a damn thing except the background ambient street noise in the clip. I wanted to see if this really worked. The average age at which people no longer hear it is 25. so if you can hear it older than that, kudos for not ruining your ears with rock n roll. The medical stuff: http://www.merck.com/mrkshared/mmanual/section7/chapter85/85i.jsp And the makers of the product: http://www.compoundsecurity.co.uk/teenage_control_products.html I wanted to experiment because of course I'm thinking OH THE FUN I COULD HAVE WITH THIS AND A DUFFLE BAG AT A LITTLE LEAGUE GAME..... muh ha ha ha ha
  4. Quick survey. Listen to this. http://www.bbc.co.uk/wiltshire/audio/mosquito_sound.mp3 Then tell me if you heard it, and how old you are.
  5. I'm torn about this movie: + RWD is the star - For all the wrong reasons + Its in Tokyo - Showing all the asshat wrong aspects of the american-urban-wannabe subculture + Its got an old Mustang in it - Puts a weaker engine in it and not acknowledging that fact done as a blatant insult to muscle car americans + Oriental girls in tight clothing - Surely not a pair of boobs on a one of them + Puts cars up on a pedestal - Wrong cars. Most are ones we made fun of in the 80s. They sucked then, they suck now. + Vin Diesel - Vin Diesel Seeing as how I *EDIT* have not */EDIT* seen the other two, I don't think I'll pony up to this one either.
  6. Wave. Even if its just the two finger "peace, I see you" thing. Don't be a cawk. No matter what you're on, we're all out there hanging our legs in the dogpit. I understand folks not waving when they're turning, braking, or clutching. But otherwise... no wave, if I pull up next to em they get a rochambo in the shoulder. Then they usually sheepish wave. I have noticed I get less waves returned when I'm on the zx vs the roadstar warrior. Hmm. (Why does that Seinfeld episode with Kramer and the ribbon come to mind? "Wear the damn ribbon." "I don't want to wear the ribbon." "Hey guys, this guy won't wear the ribbon." "GET HIM!") Ok, so you don't have to wave. But I'm still going to rochambo you.
  7. He's walking around now. Wait 8 hours when the shock's worn off.
  8. Run the car on HHO, just don't produce the HHO on the car as well. Because then you're not only carrying an internal combustion engine to burn the HHO (which we are all familiar with), but also a tank HHO, a BIG tank of water, and the electrolysis machinery on the car.... Enjoy that. And dream on about personal nuclear reactors. But even if you did power the electrolysis from a fission pile in the trunk of your car, you're still toting around extra weight you don't need to. Fill 'er up with HHO at your local filling station, just like we're all used to, and let er rip. Exhausting crisp, clear, eco friendly water all the while. Toting your own electrolysis buys you nothing. Oh you're still polluting nothing... until you wreck and spew the 6 lbs of enriched plutonium in your trunk across the intersection... No reason to not make the HHO itself in an eco friendly manner using a renewable non-polluting energy source such as geothermal or solar or hydroelectric. And the trucks transporting the HHO to your local filling stations would run on the same stuff. Mother earth thanks us all. ...but if you think you're going to dump an electrolizer on your car and all you need to do it fill it up with tap water and zip off. Nope. One cannot run the electrolysis off the energy of the produced HHO. At the best efficiencies you can imagine you will get almost enough energy out as your putting in, but you're still going to slowly lose energy over time. And getting equal in-out energy returns is impossible - that's a "perpetual motion machine". Regardless, there is no energy surplus to power the car's motion. So how to power the electrolysis.... portable nuclear? Lets not hand out fuel grade uranium to the masses, shall we? Centralize it.
  9. Hello all, Its been awhile since I posted in here. I have an opening for a developer with 3-7 years experience in .net (c#) on windows product, system, and/or project development. Solid O.O. expertise a must, MCAD a plus, and again proven real world experience in c#, java, or c++ is a must (this is not a training position - you'll need to hit the ground running). Small, stable, private company with a very good and dynamic working environment and excellent track record of growth. Compensation commensurate with experience. Reply here with your contact information and plus a short blurb of your experience/skillset and I'll get to you my contact information. Michael
  10. Geothermal. Solar. Hydroelectric. Nuclear. Centrally produce the HHO in mass and distribute the HHO to consumers. It takes a larger amount of energy to electrolyze the water to HHO than you get out of burning the HHO. Hence, don't try to put the HHO production on the car itself. Perpetual motion machines are a fantasy.
  11. Its a Buick - drive it off a cliff THEN call the insurance company. Call it delayed damage.
  12. Been there too. Fly with a Marine instructor and he can put any of you under any time he wants. It IS fun actually. (Course what he doesn't tell you is he's hooked up his G pants and "forgot" to hook up yours....) heh. Ah jarheads, gotta love em.
  13. Man that would seriously piss me off too.
  14. Welcome to riding, next best thing to flying, and sometimes even better. Be sure to wave.
  15. I'm holding out for the Mohamed Grill.
  16. quoted FTW Athlon 64 x2 dual core 4800+ 4gig DDR dual channel ram 2 nVidia 7900GT in SLI Nearly a terrabyte of SATA HD storage 2 DVDs, one a lightscribe burner. 3 21" monitors in wrap-around. ...oh, and a MOUSE AND KEYBOARD. Suck it, consoles.
  17. Buy a WRX. A GSR isn't even in the same league. AWD FTW FWD FTL
  18. Plenty of pedigree sportcars didn't and don't sit you on the floor, and also treat their drivers to a decent front seat height. I could pile up a long list of Jaguars, BMWs, Mercedes, and so on and so on. But I'm lazy. "Floor pillows" must be designed for people with short inseams. http://adweek.blogs.com/photos/uncategorized/caveman.jpg
  19. (I know, I owned both a 94 GT and an 03 Cobra). But I didn't say the interior, I said the seats. And I liked em, so nanner nanner boo boo. Corvette felt like I was sitting on the floor, not enough floor-to-seat-bottom height for my taste. Haven't been in the new z06s. If they've tilted the front of the seat up and maybe increased the seat bottm length an inch or so it would feel great. Any changes to the new z06's seats, anyone know?
  20. ROFL Best Post In The Thread.
  21. Europe. Teaser. Pic. All them words in the topic title and not a single bewb in the thread. wtf? I'm so disappointed.
  22. This Cobra isn't worth $60k. The Z06 is worth more than $80k. The Dodge Shelbys all sucked eggs (I owned a Shelby 2.2 Charger). A 12 yr old Mustang's seats do not in any way relate or are similar to the 03-04 Cobra's seats, so you can't draw conclusions using one for the other. I haven't sat in the new Mustang or Cobra, or the newest z06. But the last z06's seats had nothing on the 03 Cobra's seats. Short haul or long. Long haul the corvette seats put my feet to sleep. For a 6' 225lb guy, that is. But thats probably just preference. Jeremy calls everything from America cheap-feeling.
  23. They liked the regular GT. I can tell you how Top Gear will rate it. They'll all dog its technology. Then they'll drive it and be pleasantly suprised. Jeremy will berate it's cheap American-ness and tell a short joke about his cohost. Then he'll try to put it on the "cool board", and the crowd will moan - American cars do not go on the "cool board". There, I saved you having to watch the show. EDIT: Someday, Top Gear will learn about the wonderful thing called "torque". ...although I think the short guy might be starting to get it.
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