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Everything posted by Mowgli1647545497

  1. Why the drop in attendance? Lack of interest? Something bad happen? Poor venue? Poor schedule? Poor "giveaways"? Competition? Lack of advertising? Too high fee? Unsavory audience? Lack of sponsorship? Didn't run smooth? If you know why you can address it.
  2. I promote myself to Rear Admiral of CR.
  3. Hood scoop is still ass-tastic. Note to Subaru: YOU DON'T NEED A HOODSCOOP SHAPED THAT WAY! STOP ACTING LIKE YOU DO AND DROP THAT EYESORE! Rest of the car looks fine, if a little too rounded.
  4. Dang keep missing it. Eh - Friday at ten is the season 2 BSG premiere, booyah.
  5. Polished metal always looks better than chrome. Chrome borders on plastic to my eye.
  6. A dampener needed on a CBR? Nooooo, you don't say....
  7. Am I allowed to take a guess who's fault it was, or is this someone you know?
  8. Jennie Finch is hot you say? Uh yeah. You know, it does suck for softball getting the yank too, especially since our women's team kicked so much butt.
  9. Baseball and softball are American so of course its out. The rest of the world hates us right now.
  10. I bought two for my dual intake setup. Two more for the exhaust side.
  11. Its not the pics. Portsmouth itself is just burry.
  12. Thats not original as in from the 1930s. Interesting article though. Inversely Jingoist, but interesting. Uh huh. By the way - when Hitler was "Time Magazine's Man of the Year" in 1938, it wasn't in a good way. He was Man of the Year in the same way that Osama Bin Laden came this -><- close to being Man Of The Year for 2001. A Person of consequence, not necessarily a good person. But fear mongering like this is entertaining if you understand it for what it is. Have no fear, Dubbya will be out of office in '09, make no mistake. Be more worried about close Black Holes or mega volcanos. You can read about the menace they pose to humanity there too. [ 08. July 2005, 03:31 PM: Message edited by: Mowgli ]
  13. Yeah thy're at least a year old - its not showing the roundabout they build at Muirfield and Brand. Jon - ever heard of the Keyhole app? I think its only like 20 bucks but is pretty amazing.
  14. Nothing wrong with knowing what you want to do. Hell thats half the battle in life. Hell a lot of folks never figure out what they want to do or what would make them happy.
  15. Hang in there too. Man all you folks working hard for your education, or your vocation, or just working hard really make me feel better about young people and America in general, and humanity in general-er. I'd hire any of you in a minute when the skills match (and I have a few of you ) Sorry for the triple-post. I start reading stuff like this and it gets me fired up and I just start hitting reply. I was never one much for collating.
  16. Terry Bradshaw has a doctorate. Not sure what you're worried about - this is a good suggestion. Not as good as ROTC heh, but still good. [ 08. July 2005, 02:47 PM: Message edited by: Mowgli ]
  17. Ben - when you graduate (*cough* C# *cough*) come see me. I'll see to it you clear more than your tightwad parents (I'm avoiding using stronger words) within 10 years. Stick with it, it WILL pay off. I don't know your parents but from what I read here thats just bad parenting, and selfishness on their part. You especially don't set up an expectation of support for your child and then balk. Not supporting your child doesn't teach them a "life lesson" - its always just an excuse, a rationalization for not giving to your children and keeping for yourself. Or a rationalization to sooth the pain of failing your child. Period. Your old man looks at a college tuition cost and then deems its not worth it "cuz he's doing fine"? Bullshit - he's doing lucky, is what he's doing, and shit else. I'm sorry but people not supporting their offspring really pisses me off. I'd be glad to have a heart to heart with your dad and show him why, distinctly, logically, factually, and succinctly, why he's full of shit. Make sure when they're old not to give them one damn red cent for support. Or, if you're nice, total up your 18 yrs of living expenses, amortize that, and then cut em a check and tell them to fuck off. One last piece of advice: DON'T PLEDGE. A frat will NOT help you either stay on track academically OR financially. In fact just the opposite: statistically it will cost you more and you'll do much poorer gradewise. (I was greek... for two years then said fuck it. Sounds like you have your other priorities straight, don't go greek its just noise... ROTC, now thats a different story )
  18. Ugh I'm so glad I'm married. Guess its time to go home and pick a fight with the missus and make her bewbs grow. Or so I read from Ben that happens... woo woo!
  19. Yeah there's some stuff I saw online thats basically just plastic toys. ICS and CA are full size, full weight, all metal. TM offers scaled sizes, their "boys" line. The full size stuff you cannot tell them apart from the real deal until you look in the clip or break them down. Hence the federally mandated orange tip (*cough* orange paint comes off with fingernail polish remover *cough*).
  20. Blue I still owe you a burger at Steak n Shake sometime. Hopefully when I get my ass out of sling at work with this behind-as-hell project.
  21. Mowgli1647545497

    Who is?

    I just spit up my coffee laughing at that. Damnit.
  22. Amy, Natasha, and Emily: Where are these "mean" posts? Seriously. I missed something.
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