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Everything posted by Mowgli1647545497

  1. They're gone! I can't find em with CR searches. Nooooooooo!
  2. It was humorous more than anything. I was having a great morning actually due to some good news at a client. Still am.
  3. Sweet. And leave it to me to buy one a DAY before GM starts another 0% interest thing. Arg. 0% for 36 months 2.9% for 48 months 3.9% for 60 months and $1,500 cash back rebate. #@%#@ &^%^ *&^*&^$%
  4. "Oh it is your birthday. Did you know your license expires and needs to be renewed today? "..." "Sir?" "Should I have just outran you?" "No" "Ok, just checkin"
  5. "Is there a reason the tags on this car are from a Ford Cobra?" "Yeeeeeeaaahhhh. See, about that..."
  6. "Is there a reason you were doing 76 in a 65 coming off that onramp?" "The truck slowed me down?" "Okaaay. Here's your ticket."
  7. Son of a ... %#$%# *&(&* W$@##$@ ^%%$ graemlins/doh.gif
  8. He spelled it right. I was congratulating him on being the first at CR to do so... Me I spell Lose -> W.I.N. I also spell Loose -> O.R.I.O.N. *zing*
  9. Wow. I'm jealous. Of course like an idiot I went back to a black car. Many days of washing in my future.... Beautiful car and picture, btw. Forgot to say that earlier.
  10. Yeah, no doubt. Sam - question on the photoshoot. Looks like it was still snowy/wet out there, so I assume salt was around too. Did you wipe the car down after you got it into position? Just curious about the mechanics of shooting a good car pic.
  11. At least you didn't loose - big thumbs up on that. As for the 50-0: wallhacking, aimbotting, mofo.
  12. LOL - thought you got the memo: when one makes big numbers, they all et quicker. Very complicated and technical, some sort of communal/Borgian shared-resource sort of thing. Something to do with quantum mechanics and vtec. Amazing stuff really. Anyway, news is two Civic EXs just broke into the 12s after their owners read that.... Anyhow, enough teasing - congrats on the big numbers, pbsracerx.
  13. Theres not a feedback circuit on the tranny skipshift right? From what I understand the Eliminator is just a big 50ohm resister you put inline with the socket to the tranny. But I'm curious if there's anything the OBD could read or log that'd hork my warranty?
  14. I flew EA-6B Prowlers in the Navy. About 800 hours in civilian single E, 200 or so 2E. Got my IFR in a 70s Warrior: http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2005-2/944597/Old_Warri.jpg Nothing like it. Some things become 2nd nature, but just like riding a bike you better never "zone out" at the yoke. Haven't flown now in like 5 years. Brother-in-law and I were going to go co-op in a Cherokee, but then they started having kids... and soon so will I. Expensive hobby, but a blast. [ 06. February 2005, 12:05 AM: Message edited by: Mowgli ]
  17. I loved the Cobra too. I just needed more doors. Nah KBond I wasn't downtown Friday. I was Weds, though.
  18. ...And 108 other Hondas in Columbus just got a 50hp bump in output...
  19. Mmmm Mallet. Winner of the CD Supercar Challenge (for sedans). Too bad I don't have an extra $70k to blow....
  20. Dang 'chet, is your sarcasm detector turned off this morning or something? BTW - K cars can't make power.
  21. The 03 Cobras used a completely new tranny from previous ones - the Tremece T56 6speed. A first in a public Ford (2000 Cobra Rs notwithstanding). Also used in the Fbods, Corvettes and now the CTS-V. Very stout and little chance of bent shift forks in it. But the shifter still sucked, mostly I think due to the position it ended up being placed in when the T56 was mounted in the Cobra.
  22. thanks for the tips. both of those were meant to be used by embedded java applets - our java that needs to capture the event will be out of context from the html itself, and outside the encapsulated browser. we're using jdic to encapsulate the browser - it exposes 4 methods in its interface, and we think we have a way to use one of them to accomplish what we need. smile.gif
  23. OMFG That is hilarious!
  24. This story sounds kinda made up. Not saying you made it up, it just has that ring to it. Curious its origin. Where'd you hear it?
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