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Everything posted by Mowgli1647545497

  1. Interesting reporting of it on Al Jazeera. This is a real tragedy. A tangent: I get a kick sometimes out of watching Al Jazeera report on things like this where they can't blame it on the USA. They sure try though, they haven't yet blamed this on Rumsfield, but they'll come up with something. The Red Cross article they have, the one picture they put in there, has Japanese red cross workers. [ 28. December 2004, 11:18 AM: Message edited by: Mowgli ]
  2. Could be worse - you could live near Brand and Avery in Dublin. Mutherfukkers in their Volvos and SUVs blow thru that 4-way stop like its not even there - every goddamn day: rain, snow, sleet, or sunshine. I'm thinking of buying a big old clapped out F250 and haunting that intersection just to go put the fear of collision and respect for traffic laws into some of these jerks.
  3. That was good. And you know I do think the kid had the sound pretty close - does he have an Eaton on his tongue?
  4. HEY! Thats not real, there's no crates. tongue.gif
  5. I'll explain myself then wish you happy holidays: I'm making no excuses for the catholic church at all. I'm well versed in its sordid history. I pointed out the coliseum was no better. I then pointed out that, in knee-jerk balance to the overwhelming rhetoric catholics are deluged with daily on the failings of their religion both historical and present day, voiced here by Avenger's quip, that in fact the catholic church is the biggest philanthropic organization in the history of mankind. A little reminder of goodness in the mountainslide of mudslinging catholics tire so much of. So since we actually seem to agree, lets let it drop here. Happy New Year to you. (seriously)
  6. Folkvang, if you believe that St Peter's Basilica was built solely by taking down the Coliseum in Rome you've got more history to read. But yeah, its a travesty the church used any material at all from that structure of enlightenment which was a shining beacon glowing against opulences built on slavery, death, oppression, sloth, gluttony, abuse, torture, and any number of other excesses to un-earned wealth, cus if the Coliseum was anything, it was all about tasteful restraint... Now the Circus Gaii et Neronis, where many of the Christian martyrdoms occurred - sure. Tear it down, build on its spot, and don't forget to spit and take a shit on it while you're at it. But that wasn't even this building you're ragging on. St. Peter's Basilica was constructed about 500 years ago over the foundations of the old St. Peter's Basilica, which was built in the 4th century to house the tomb of St. Peter. But I'm probably full of crap - the Coliseum is more important, after all Gladiator was such a cool movie. And its not like the coliseum raided other venues for its material. Its not like the Romans cannibalized material all the time thruout their entire history. Its not like all europeans were dragging looted crap all over hte continent. Lets talk about Napoleaon's and his arch... Spoken like a good protestant what'd make Martin Luther proud. *looks around* Oh wait, the Reformation ended four hundred years ago... As opposed to that other religious organization thats given many times more money to feed the poor sick homeless and starving. The, um, whats its name again? The, uh... Oh right, there is none. [ 26. December 2004, 07:46 PM: Message edited by: Mowgli ]
  7. Yeah, another sports arena, albeit an old one, is more important... This isn't "another catholic temple" (catholics don't do "temples" btw). This is THE Catholic Cathedral. So I wholeheartedly disagree. Of course, I got bored during the movie Gladiator, so what do I know? I mean, the Catholic religion only got its start 80 years before that thing was built and all...
  8. That is such a load of HORSESHIT! Ten Grand?!? I don't fuking think so. Try $500. Tell them so shove it up their asses.
  9. Sounds like a portable generator woulda been your friend. For alot less than the $700 you spent you could have bought one that'd run everything in your house and then some.
  10. I picked up a few tenths: 1/4mile in 88.74 seconds at 24.3mph
  11. I guess the Army teaches you to go slow? In the Navy we liked fast things. Hence the Cobra. graemlins/finger.gif to retarded vets making the rest of us look bad.
  12. Just ran a quarter mile and tracked it on my G-Tech. A new record: 1/4 in 89.12seconds at 23.7mph I think I need to lower my psi to 22 in the rear tires. I think I had some slight traction issues on my launch.
  13. Woo Wee the Cobra's feeling its oats today. Got some sweet cold air and plenty of traction - oh YEAH. Come on all you sissy EVO and WRX owners out there, keeping your AWD cars in their garages all scared of inclement weather! Shoulda bought an all-year car like the COBRA! Bring on the ICE - I eat it up - this baby was MADE for the bad weather. Yeah! Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!
  14. I'd like to interupt this thread now to mock all your choices. That is all. Please continue.
  15. good luck with that - tell us how it went
  16. Hey good idea - thx I'll try that. Maybe it'll cut the lime and calcium buildup there too abit.
  17. Whats that? 1 2004 Ford GT 2 1928 Duesenberg Model J 3 The Batmobile (either one, 60s series or 89 movie) 4 1954 Mercedes SL 300 Gullwing 5 Lamborghini Countach (any of them except the 25th anniversary one) Daily Driver - 06 CTS-V with the LS2
  18. Thanks for all the input. I'm going to pick up the craftsman remover after work and give it a try. I also found a joint that should allow me to get my drill in there to drill it out if that fails, as I'm afraid Rotarded is right, its really soft, probably why the first two removers I tried got owned. I beleive the knob is glass and not plastic - I say that having tested it with an exacto knife and was unable to score it (thats my poorboy glass test). I want to keep the fixtures, I'm taking the knob off to clean around the base and also reapply a graphic there on the chrome behind it.
  19. Rudoplh's got vtec, yo, makes it all possible. From an engineering standpoint that is.
  20. As I understand it the supra was running a 61, and meth, just wasnt tuned right. Maybe I read it wrong. Wouldn't have mattered, the TA brought more that day. Sounds like they're all in the same group of friends. Also heard there's a 900+hp Cobra running around that area of Chi-town that now wants to play. Probably have to wait til spring. The Cobra Supra race was from last spring, btw.
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