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Everything posted by Mowgli1647545497

  1. man I think I blew an artery in my brain laughing at that.
  2. You made me spit up my diet coke on my laptop!
  3. Also, and depending on how sadistic you are this may sway your opinion: People don't mind losing to a Z06 so much, but they hate, HATE, losing to a Mustang. Cobra or no. In other words, its much more fun rubbing people's noses in it in a Cobra, cuz you just KNOW, you KNOW, that guy in the other car is frigging hating life losing to a domestic dinosaur low buck found on road dead. That goes for many folks on here and pretty much every snot nosed kid in a slammed honda you'll come across on the road. Nothing in life is so sweet as making a hater chew on it. Course, I'm just a jerk that way.
  4. That was from a video interview of that Chan guy on the Sigma design team. So no. I am volunteering the transition to sedan before its required of me. Married guy tactic.
  5. Mercedes too has taken a ding on quality recently. So much so even regular newspapers write about it. Might have to check the black one sitting in Crown, as I do like Mercs. But honestly, I've already test driven some C class mercs and honestly the Caddy's interior beats it. Thats what made my hat flip in the first place, I was like "whoa, whats this?". Honest to god, and lord knows I'm not a GM fan so I went in with a critical eye. But I do have a thing for Mercedes I can't explain. As for the year old M5 - the V beats it performance wise. And everyon'es copied the styling so much that its become pedantic, IMO. The new one has 500hp, but its not for sale in the US til next year, and it'll sticker in the 90s anyway. And iDrive... yuk. Now the E55... hmm. Nah, I really don't wanna buy someone elses car. I know, its limiting my choices but its a thing with me now for some reason. It'd always nag me.
  6. Upsides to the CTS-V: 1- World beating chassis. Sigma platform 2nd highest torsional rigidity in a production car. Ever. 2 - world beating suspension and track capability. (Faster than any BMW or Mercedes under $100k around the Nurbergring. Faster than any Japanese production car around it, period. Faster than any American production car around it, sans Viper GTS.) 3 - Monster brakes 4 - 400hp 5 - 6speed manual gives wife pause from driving it 6 - Wierd looks gives wife pause from driving it 7 - 4 doors to fit the oncoming offspring 8 - bigger than a toy sedan but not as large as Capt Stubbing's Love Boat Downsides to the CTS-V: 1 - 2005 got a guzzler tax, so effective 3k increase over 04 2 - few 04 models left on lots, those that are are usually whipping dogs of salesmen 3 - possible 500hp 06 model, making you feel stupid for buying an 05 4 - 7 inches longer than my cobra - garage squeeze 5 - 8" wheels (8" wheels + 400hp = wtf) 6 - not awd (not sure if this is a + or -) Anyone know anything about that Acura TL s sedan? Is it AWD? They look nice. I know nothing about them since I tend to not look at Hondas, owing to the fact they haven't yet built a motor I like. But I'd like to be surprised. [ 17. January 2005, 10:20 AM: Message edited by: Mowgli ]
  7. You people thinking the 03 Cobra can't turn have got some research to do. Can it turn better than a Z06? No. Can it outtrack 95% of every other car on this board? Yes. Folks should stop repeating hype without getting their facts together first. Its usually people not understanding the Cobra shares little to no suspension or driveline components with the Mustang GTs, but they've rode in a GT and have themselves an OPINION. Just to clarify - I've owned both a late model GT and this Cobra. Its night and day. Or don't beleive me and go on. Makes it more fun for me to humiliate people. Which reminds me of a nice little embarrassment I paid to a BMW 330 friday on a cloverleaf... might need to post that in kill stories. Oh and if you want to see a stock Cobra (ok except air filter and one other minor trick, er two other minor tricks) run a low 12, come watch me. Eagle F1s too. Fit n finish? My uncle has an '02 Z06. Great car. It also creaks and squeaks far more than my Cobra, and the paint's faded faster. And he babies it. Garage, the works (granted its yellow - hard paint to keep fresh but still). Again - opinions overrule reality for most folk. ANYHOO - As always, I still say save the Formula, and pocket the cash. But if you gotta have one - take the Z06.
  8. The STS is WAY too big. The CTS is more like it. I need something bigger than a Jetta/A4/EVO/WRx but not as big as that barge. Besides, the STS-V even at 440hp is going to be too slow.
  9. /rant on Dammmmmmmn, bunch of frigging RETARDS! "Lose a race." "If your belt is loose, then your pants fall down." Fucking hell - some English teachers need their junk slapped. /rant off
  10. I'd keep the formula and take more cash to pocket.
  11. +1 thought this was a known fact by now - surprised that two years later there are people still in denial.
  12. Good point - I have everything crammed on my side of the garage because god help me I don't want to park a bike over on the wife's side. That's just asking for trouble. I'm gonna go home and play Tetris again in my garage...
  13. Wease - you have entirely too much hair to buy a vette. Still, if thats your thing, thin out the bald spot, put on about 40lbs of ponch, buy a couple gold chains, rings, and silk shirts, and go for it. smile.gif Actually can I ask why? You're not really stepping "up" in performance from your car going with either stock. Why not keep the formula?
  14. OC chicks need to eat some food and get some implants. Bunch of boyish two-by-fours.
  15. wow - so everone can use babblefish - congratulations
  16. +1 [ 14. January 2005, 11:22 AM: Message edited by: Mowgli ]
  17. Where's a good place to find out about the next EVO? The GS series in my eye always had, I don't know, a look about them... sorta like a too big of ratio car-to-wheel. I like the vehicle to wheel ratio of the IS300 alot, but the GS's always seemed to be riding on teeny little wagon wheels. Just didn't look right to me. Plus they leaned too much. Did that change? I just found something out thats disturbing. The CTS-V is 191.5 inches long. My Cobra is 183.5 inches long. Why does that concern me you ask? Because with my bikes in the garage I literally have about 4 inches of clearance front+back to get the garage door closed. Ruh Roh.
  18. HOLY SH1T I WANT THOSE WHEELS!!! Any guesses what they are? EDIT: Nevermind I know what car that is, and what wheels they are. BTW he's running viper 335s on the back.
  19. What I've heard of Audi's is they test drive great, then 24 months into ownership and you're ready to pull your hair out. I don't want to spend time going over why I don't like a car because I'm not the type that can be talked out of my impression, but just this once: The Legacy completely did nothing for me. It didn't "go" like I want my next car to, roll or dig. I also really don't like the body shape or wheel options. Inside, the sills are too low for my taste when I'm sitting in it. I also didn't like the feel or locations of the controls, and I don't like the horizontalish dash shape. Its just not a car I could look at inside or out and feel any affection for at all. All this while my brain knows its a perfectly competent car. I don't think I want a turbo 4. My car before this was a turbo4, a 99 Eclipse GSX that I worked up to about 266hp. I also don't want to have to mod to get the performance level I want, as like the Cobra its going to be my daily driver. Like I said in my post at the top I'm looking to stay under $60k - oh and I want new. I have a thing now about someone else owning my car first smile.gif
  20. Me too. The Gaius actor deserves an Emmy.
  21. Ok just watched the rebroadcast last night of the two part "miniseries" that spawned the upcoming new series. Fuck YEAH! Smart, witty, good dialog, excellent visuals, doesn't insult my intelligence. I like the slangs, they use "bullets". LOVE the naval traditions in manuevering that big ship - the CNC scenes gave me chills from my Saratoga days. Best part - its not hokey. The miniseries was dark and morbid to the point of almost being depressing. Which of course makes sense, after everyone pretty much getting killed by massive nuclears strikes. They weren't running around giving each other high fives for downing a Cylon or other crap like that - things that wouldn't make any sense for people who just lost everything they knew, everyone they loved and knew. I mean picture this: like 15 minutes into the first episode a cyborg cylon woman just casually kills a baby in a crib! How's that for balls? It wasn't gratuitous or gory either. But you knew, right there, they weren't fucking around with campiness. My wife got up and walked out. And I was sitting there thinking "Damn, they aren't pulling punches are they? Not twiddling around with this writing are they?" That was sick, granted, but I stayed if not for any reason other than I had to see what came next out of any show that had the balls to do that on broadcast tv - make the bad guys bad, as opposed to merely stylish... Love'd the line of the President: "The war's over. We lost." Man I love shows that don't devolve to cater to stupid people. Its rare. If the series holds up the quality of what I saw last night I'll be all over this one. Thanks for the heads up. EDIT: Btw - I recently caught an episode of the old 70s series in a hotel in Kansas on Tuesday. I can't BELEIVE I thought that was good. It was painful watching that embarassment. The new one is many times better.
  22. The LS7 rumor is the main reason I haven't decided to just buy a CTS-V already, to be honest. The Audi S4 is abit small for me, and the 6 doesn't have the "go power". Dunno about the RS6 though... will have to look. But also, I've got a few friends who've owned em who tell me horror stories of Audi ownership, and I think a couple people on here also have had bad experience with them. So the recent quality dings worry me with Audi, but also their pricing structure - everything is an option with them, and to load up a car, you can easily ratchet on 50% to the base price of the car. I have always liked Mercedes, if not their tepid performance. Will have to relook at AMG, but my understanding was AMG's were priced beyond where I want to go. I'll look into Merc again... Anything else?
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