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Everything posted by 96MustangCobra

  1. Ryan and Drew, Bob Marley is the man, and Ricky Williams(biggest pot head ever) hero.
  2. The Stealers will not win the superbowl period.
  3. I'm probaly not going back to Kent next year, and was wondering if anyone plays on the flag football teams at OSU or anything like that. I'm just trying to get some people to ball it up.
  4. Those Mach 1's are real sweet, good luck with it, hope you bring it home!
  5. 1. 03 Cobra 2. 1998 Lamborghini Diablo SVTT 3. 2004 Koenigsegg CCR 4. 96 Mystic Cobra 5. 2001 Lingenfelter 427 Corvette Twin-Turbo Daily Driver: Doesn't even matter with the other five in the garage.
  6. Yea thats true, many do take money, but only a few get caught.
  7. Very nice GTO, thats a super clean ride.
  8. Yep, the death roll always wins
  9. I havn't been able to get on it either, it sends me to some search site.
  10. They have some on http://www.buyfordracing.com/Shop_Cart/shopdisplayproducts.asp?id=13
  11. Sweet movie, and yea the chick in it is real bad
  12. +1 for Big Slick AK go cowboys even though they blow this year
  13. Understandable Drew, sucks having no money
  14. Come on Drew, bust out some 5% tint for the talon.
  15. Here is a nice 10th anniversary with low miles http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?car_id=172032706&dealer_id=&car_year=2003&search_type=used&make=FORD&model=MUST&transmission=&distance=100&address=43065&advanced=y&max_mileag e=45000&max_price=&min_price=&end_year=2005&start_year=1999&drive=&engine=8CLDR&body_style=CONVERT&advcd_on=y&doors=&fuel=&color=&cardist=57
  16. It looks pretty mean, thats one huge front mount.
  17. It looks pretty mean, thats one huge front mount.
  18. Saw a black GT on 315 a few weekends ago
  19. hey drew, what house was it? some prick threw some flowers he was picking in his yard at my old gt. the guy is a complete fuck head
  20. hey drew, next time im back from kent ill let ya know. i have to hear how it sounds now that you have full 3inch
  21. pretty tight ride, to much cash to drop on it though, i would much rather have an 03/04 cobra
  22. I will be home for the weekend from Kent, and was wondering if there are any good places around that can do a quality 5% tint job? Any help would be nice, and some prices if anyone has them off the top of their heads.
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