I'm probaly not going back to Kent next year, and was wondering if anyone plays on the flag football teams at OSU or anything like that. I'm just trying to get some people to ball it up.
1. 03 Cobra
2. 1998 Lamborghini Diablo SVTT
3. 2004 Koenigsegg CCR
4. 96 Mystic Cobra
5. 2001 Lingenfelter 427 Corvette Twin-Turbo
Daily Driver: Doesn't even matter with the other five in the garage.
Here is a nice 10th anniversary with low miles
http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?car_id=172032706&dealer_id=&car_year=2003&search_type=used&make=FORD&model=MUST&transmission=&distance=100&address=43065&advanced=y&max_mileag e=45000&max_price=&min_price=&end_year=2005&start_year=1999&drive=&engine=8CLDR&body_style=CONVERT&advcd_on=y&doors=&fuel=&color=&cardist=57
I will be home for the weekend from Kent, and was wondering if there are any good places around that can do a quality 5% tint job? Any help would be nice, and some prices if anyone has them off the top of their heads.