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Everything posted by 88lx5oh

  1. my si averages 28.. pretty shitty for a civic
  2. also with having those holes cut in the drywall, it was alot easier to fish the wires up.. especially through insulation
  3. i had to cut out some patches in the drywall, and then notch the cross boards between my studs so i could wish a new power wire and coax for behind my lcd. sucks.. so i gotta patch those spots now. but ehh it looks alot better than having wires hanging out everywhere
  4. 88lx5oh

    It's Miller Time

    Sparks + for the win
  5. beat my sprint plan of.. 1250 minutes nationwide, free nights and weekends starting at 7. unlimited text, unlimited data, unlimited picture and video messaging for $50 a month and ill be impressed. until then i say no company can touch this value. also $7 a month for service and replacement including PDAs
  6. try turning off the PC... unplug the 500 gig drive.. cable and power to it... boot PC.. power off, plug back in and restart.
  7. shit 155lb sean sherk would murder him
  8. they will just put him against no namers there too. until they want a nice big ticket event and throw him in with a real fighter, and he gets stomped out.
  9. exactly.. kimbo has no ground game.. he wil get smashed against anybody with a ju-jitsu background
  10. wouldnt have it my home, but that is dope! looks like alot of time went into that.. and love how the tv is the jumbo tron
  11. 88lx5oh

    WTB Wii

    walmart tuesday mornings.. thats when they recieve shipment
  12. oh and if was a $850 estimate they were probably replacing the coil packs to i imagine.
  13. check fuel pressure.. is the pump kicking on?? are you getting spark??
  14. hahah this is great http://www.doubleviking.com/videos/page0.html/7956.html
  15. the vtx is a great bike. lots of power, lots of room. tons of options to customize. and they sound wicked with pipes. they dont sound like the other honda cruisers, they have a dual pin crank and they have there own distinct tone. mever really heard much about the raider, but looks like a nice bike. my dad rides a yamaha roadstar and it has been nothing but reliable and a really nice ride.. as well as my grandfather and uncle. im partial to hondas, but i think either bike would be a nice power cruiser for you. my suggestions is go check them both out in person and see what you like better. sit on both see which has a mroe comfortable seating position.. trust me the more comfortable seating position the better. especially on a rides that your gonna be travel any decent distance
  16. personally, my wife will always work. to me 2 incomes are necessary in todays world. especially in this area. and especially with kids. my mother keeps asking me when im having kids. i told her when my household income is 160k a year. i dont want to have to skimp on anything for a child. and i really dont want having a kid to hamper my spending habbits either. yes i guess i am selfish about this. but i hell there are alot of people out there having kids that cannot afford to. and that right there is what makes this country a shit hole. they cant provide for there kids. there kids end up growing up in lower income areas, IE. the ghetto. these kids will get bad habbits just like there parents. the chances of them being deviants is alot higher. and i guess at the end of the day.. the discussion comes to this... LIVE THE LIFE YOU CHOOSE TO LIVE
  17. 88lx5oh


    noticed typo on bottom right hand corner paragraph should said cooler.. not coller lol
  18. 88lx5oh


    ok this was a quick draw up http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p301/hoblick/360cooler.jpg
  19. 88lx5oh


    same here when i did it. like i said its junk.. the towel trick is shit. just send it back and have them fix it.. then when you get it back you can wait for it to fuck up again and repeat the process. seriously it will happen again. when the refurb them, all they do is put another heatsink in it to help with cooling. obviously they fix the solder, but the heatsink isnt enough to keep it cool, it will overheat again.. and it will melt the solder, it will seperate cause the xclamp isnt strong enough to hold it in place. and the mem chips dont have enough pressure on them to keep from seperating under heat either. im in the works right now of building a fiberglass stand with 6 80mm pc fans that a 360 can sit on to help with cooling. it will have its own power supply, and a space for the power brick to sit on as well, since there is alot of complaints about the power supply brick getting overheated as well. hopefully this will help with cooling enough to avoid disaster again. i know i know there are cooler kits for them already. but word is they are junk, and some have experinced worse heating issues even to the point where the cooler will melt with the 360. ill post a pic of what i have in mind.
  20. 88lx5oh


    if you can't send it in... there are a few fixes.. getting a new x clamp and install it.. thermal paste on processor.. and spacers to keep pressure on the mem chips... but modifying thbe case with pc fans will help it cool better. the towel trick is junk don't do it
  21. thats what im thinking... jsut figured id ask just incase there is a better way.. guess not
  22. yeah not what i was looking for
  23. so far i think im gonna pull the baseboard... run cable and power along the bottom.. drill into the drywall run both up the wall where i will cut a hole behind the tv and then be done with it. ill put a power outlet and cable outlet right behind the tv. thats really my only option that i can think of. it looks ghetto with cords hangin from the tv lol
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