why is living off of 2 incomes bad??
we all dont have 80k a year jobs.
some of us are just starting out.
i think the main thing is having a plan/goal in your life.
me and my wife bought our home in hilliard under appraised value with about 30k in equity. we planned on living here for atleast 5 years, doing some remodeling, and by the time we have payed down some debt, and saved some money, in that 5 years we sell and move. we are not looking to get into a huge home, but somethign close to my job. also a bit larger, but moving away form the city will get you a nicer/bigger home for same amoutn of money.
also we will both be grossing more money in 5 years.
and i looked at buying this home as investment.
we budget as well as we can, but still are using both incomes. we are paying debt we both had before we met each other and not accumulating more.
we dont use credit cards at all. but we do put out alot of money a month paying bills.
i hate being looked at as sub par when it comes to matters as this because we both dont have 80k a year jobs at the moment. we are working towards a goal.
in 5 years both cars payed off, 50% of misc debt payed down, and the house paye down some.
after the vehicles are payed off, im not gonna start putting that money back to save, i will use that money to pay off other debt till all thats left is a mortgage.
i thought it was a pretty good game plan.