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Everything posted by 88lx5oh

  1. yeha mine needs the rearend rebuilt soon.
  2. oh yeah this is in my 02 explorer
  3. why... i changed my tranny filter and fluid. the transmission is a sealed transmission, and supposedly lubed for life. retarded. i foudn out how to fill it and all is well. but still it took some effort and boy is that gayness.
  4. I totally agree. the 3 that i have all are covered up even when im wearing a tank top....except the one on my shoulder...some cover it and some dont. luckily they are cool at the place I work and im allowed to wear my nose piercing....which is tiny anyways....but it makes me happy. i guess it just depends on where u work. my hubby has 9 tats and they arent covered with a t-shirt....he wants to get sleeves which i think are hott on some guys it just all depends on your look if you can pull it off or not....sorry im rambling
  5. chris you will lvoe this bike. go ride one and yuoll buy it.. its a sport tourer with a sport bike feel.. very comfortable, good power, handles great, and they sound awesome. yuo will not be disappointed
  6. yeah i guess there realyl isnt somethign for everyone... my bad
  7. http://www.duck-design.com/index.php?option=com_zoom&Itemid=26&catid=1 examples.. http://www.duck-design.com/images/zoom/FORD/ford_mustang_cartoon_car_7.jpg http://www.duck-design.com/images/zoom/AUDI/audi_a4_cartooncar1.jpg
  8. i got busted by the FBI for counterfitting in highschool although i did not actually make the money or even have a part in it.. i passed a fake $20 and i got a month of community service. the fbi actually came into our school and interrogated some people me being one of them.. kind of interesting.
  9. yeha im starting to realize that now.. i guess i jsut knew those popel and they werent really my friends.
  10. justin first off i could really give a shit less whats happening in your life. this wasnt directed towards you. and why you had to chime in with this bullshit is beyond me. if you want to say shit to me, call me. im not gonna argue over the internet like a child. the whole meaning of this thread is to see if other people have this problem. i wasnt pointing fingers at anyone, and im not going to try and belittle anyone over the internet. and so far this thread has taught me that.. that being married and being single are two totally seperate mindframes.
  11. steve your car has waaaaaaay to many miles on it to be throwing a turbo on it.. .and if you do put a turbo on anyway.. go smaller than that.. and youl ldefinately have to run low boost... that motor wont be holdin up wiht boost wiht that many miles on it.
  12. i may be interested.. gotta talk to the wife see what she thinks of it first
  13. please dont put a bra on it..
  14. let me know when you wanna hang out. me my wife and you and eric shuold al go out to dinner one night. jsut let me know when
  15. holla Home Owners 4 LIFE YO
  16. but being my friends youd think they would still try to atleast keep in touch. i make a ton of efforts. and they make none. like i said im ranting and it just pisses me off. and its not like i CANT do this or that. i just choose not to go out to the bar and waste my money. i like to socially drink and be a social drinker. but i have better priorities. and its nto jsut the party thing.. its jsut in general. no one makes an effort anymore. its always i mworking, i got a girl, i got this.. i got that bullshit. i have all that shit and mroe to deal wiht yet i still find the time to atleast call. make a fucking effort for fuck sake.
  17. pretty sure i do.. for suspension parts i would only use a 1/2" breaking axel nuts loos, or lugs. k member bolts... any tough shit underneath the car.. especially shit that gets the most dirt, grease, and rust on it.. youll want a 1/2" under the hood i usually use a 3/8" snapon, and mac is what i used at my last job. but since then i use Makita corldess stuff. and i will say this .. MAKITA cordless guns are the fucking shit!!
  18. why is it after you get married.. its like you fall off the face of the earth. in this i mean... every good friend you ever had forgets your alive. most of my really good friends i had never call, never come to hang out. my best friend since kindergarden (my best man) hardly ever calls me. i try to call my good friends atleast once or twice a week, but with no avail. its starting to piss me off. i basically decided to just say fuck it. if they dont want to hang out, or even be social with me anymore because im married thats pitifull. im better off without them. i dunno i guess i just had to rant, cause ive been making so many attmepts at trying to be a friend, and get shit on in return. especially my best friend, who i call al lthe time, and even try to make it back to his area to hang out, and he hasnt even seen the house i bought. and when i do come to his area to visit him i get blown off. i wish some people would grow up and be adults. when i do get a chance to talk to my friend, they talk about getting fucked up or when the next party is or whatever.... and im tryin to talk to them about how i want to build a retaining wall in my front yard, or what new applianced i just installed. lol... i feel maybe i have grown up and matured faster than all my friends. i have priorities in line, goals i want to achieve and what not. and a wife to attend to. again im ranting and ranting.. it just urks me... anyone else get this way.
  19. thats pretty much the fastest quad out.. nice bike.. good choice
  20. dublin is so expensive... nice place though.. goodluck with the sale. do you have condo fees as well?? might want to list that in there if you do.
  21. go to walmart i bought a set of stanley impact sockets.. they are nice set and have a warranty as well. but you can get a set at autozone, they warranty them there as well.. and will take them back righ tin the store like sears would.. or just buy some at sears i have metric only, cause thats all anything is anymore.. both my vehicles use metric.
  22. 1/2" a 3/8" impact is useless.. get a good impact and a nice set of impact sockets to go with it.
  23. o im ready to wrok.. thats why im doing it myself, i love learning new things especially home remodeling. this i sbasically my learner house.. i want to do as muc hshit to learn on on this house so when we buy our next i can do it 100% so far i have learned.. how to lay ceramic tile how to lay laminet flooring learned alot about HVAC from problems with ours i had to diagnose learned alot about plumbing i havent really delt with any appliances before and now i have unhooked dishwashers and stoves, and what not. hooking up the water lines and return lines for the dishwasher. electrical stuff with wiring outlets and new lighting (110 hurts) i really want to learn landscaping.. atleast a good basic knowledge. i really want my home to have great appeal. even though its not the most expensive house i want it to have a luxurious feel to it. and hope that when we sell it prospective buyers will feel the same way.
  24. how much did that cover?? i want to do about 30 feet thats in the front to start with.. about as high as in that picture
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