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Everything posted by 88lx5oh

  1. it would have to be sunday. saturday im tied up pretty much the whole day. but sunday sounds great. give me a call on saturday and ill let ya know whats going down
  2. does it play mp3s?? if so i got dibs
  3. actually one of the patients at the chiropractors office she works at had it.. she got it for $150 and she jsut ordered an aftermarket exhaust, carb, and sprocket lol.
  4. my girls new toy http://flathat.woodstream.net/ColumbusRacing/Northwood/hoblick/954/betb.JPG http://flathat.woodstream.net/ColumbusRacing/Northwood/hoblick/954/betb2.JPG http://flathat.woodstream.net/ColumbusRacing/Northwood/hoblick/954/betb3.JPG
  5. host your pics somewhere else i dont wanna joign that thing
  6. what the topic reads... its on ebay right now.. but with a good offer ill end the auction early. it is listed waaaaay below cost. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=4371868353&rd=1&sspagename=STRK%3AMESE%3AIT&rd=1
  7. that dude is good circle wheelies, 12s..... but he sounded cocky
  8. if its an older helmet you might be out of luck. its hard to find replacement shields for them. if i were you id go and by a new helmet at the pony for $70, or get one on ebay.
  9. whas it a yellow gixxer with no side fairings??
  10. anyone ehading up there tonight??
  11. well heres what ya need to know. balance point is pretty high up, and most likely you werent even close. the only time you really need to worry is going past balance point. getting the front wheel up a little higher than normal is gonna scare you, casue you ahve never done it before. but the main thing is DONT PANIC. when you panic you automatically close the throttle and come crashing down hard. you have to deal with the impact of the front wheel hitting the ground, and then deal with engine break after that. so lets start off with when you feel like your getting to high, always remember the rear brake is your friend. tap it and the front end will fall, its always a safe gaurd. next, when the bike is coming down forma wheelie, after it starts to fall get back into the throttle so that you accelerate and smooth the landing out. this will aid in not having a hard hit with the front wheel. and lastly, after the wheel is safely upon the ground, pull the clutch in. if your high on RPMs, this will let you coast so you wont have to deal wiht all the engine break. hope that helps you out. any more questions jsut let me know
  12. ok so anyone else who wants to ride today... pm me ilm hit you up when i get back form work at 430
  13. dont go with a chambered muffler opn a turbo car.. too much back pressure
  14. i can vouch for thsi bike.. its definately clean. very nice ride
  15. haha whats with the jail thing rings. supra guy.. msot likely pickerington, but i dunno if we are going there or to the spot in gahanna. ill let you know via PM later tonight
  16. most likely atleast... suuposedly i get my bike back tonight. if so then tomorrow we will have a stunt session. and ill eb bringin the mii dv cam and the tripod. so who wants ot come out and have some fun
  17. bam whats your nubmer.. i want the computer setup
  18. this thing looks brand new
  19. this site has the cheapest prices and free shipping for any gear.. they are atleast $50- $75 cheaper on leather jackets than iron pony, and a pair of pants i was gonna purhcase, they are $25 cheaper than iron pony. you ahve to get an emial for their price list. http://rideicon.metricbikes.com/
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