chris isnt realyl looking to bust out curves, or do wheelies or even run nines at the track. he wants a bike that fits his body type, the styling that he likes, and somethign he can feel confident on. i think that a GSXR750 or Kaw ZX7R would fit him perfectly. im assuming he likes the full fairing bikes. since so far thats all that he had mentioned. so a naked bike, or sport touring isnt in the direction he wants to go.
im tellin ya chris come take a sit down on my bike, and if its nice enough out take it for a spin. you get the full size frame, wiht a little less motor, comfortable as a sportbike can be, and has a nice power band. handles insanely nice to boot. not tryin to push you towards the same kind of bike i ride, but i think this is something that you might be looking for. jsut pm me and we can set up a date for you to come c heck it out.