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Everything posted by 88lx5oh

  1. this is insane price for this bike.. atleast i think http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=2481478895&category=49999
  2. if your gonna use it as a drag race helmet. it would be perfect. you dotn ahve to buy a visor then.. its purple, yellow, and chrome... kin dof same color as my bike but instead of ninja turtle green its yellow. actually a nice looking helmet
  3. it says XL 62 in the helmet, but it fits my head pretty good. i would say it is almost a large helmet. doesnt feel like an XL
  4. These are factory take off Bullit wheels. i only have 3 of them. looking to get $200 for them. you can pick up a brand new wheel to make the set for like $150 or sumthin on ebay. http://i16.ebayimg.com/01/i/01/f0/5f/e0_1.JPG
  5. computer 166mhz, 64mb ram, 1.2 gig hard drive. works great as a messaging computer. i used it for just aim to releive my other computer of its duty. comes wiht keyboard and mouse. $20 must pick up tonight.
  6. AGV needs sheild. $20 [ 12. June 2004, 10:06 PM: Message edited by: NBC4 Fuel Dude ]
  7. your takling about lukes old bike.. its been gone for like a eyar now lol.. it would ahve never made it past 115. i know from experience
  8. couldnt agree more oh and joes g/f my speedo is not that bad off. when im duin 90 im duin 90. atleast crusin next to my buddy's camaro .. thats what his speedo says.. so im sure it is a bit off but not by 30 mph. in any case as steated before its fast and its fun graemlins/thumb.gif
  9. and your just a dumb ass if i choose to exceed speed limits on roads, where no cars are present i will do so at my own risk. 71s is quite clean and the bike was extremely stable.. talk to me when you own a vehicle that will do over 85
  10. o the bike was way stable at those speeds with no steering stabalizer
  11. dibs.. what processor, HD, etc is in it
  12. let me borrow that shizzle
  13. dont care its still fast as fuck
  14. i dont do no passing on the berm at 175... at 100 i do tongue.gif
  15. on the way home from the thrift store tonight i hit 182 mph graemlins/bubbrubb.gif damn was that fun... and really fast. had no cars around, i was crusin in 6th... ducked behind the wind screen and let her have it. at 182 mph she was still climbin' strong , but i figured i should drop the throttle at that point tongue.gif
  16. if thats his bag then cool.. leave it at that..
  17. that is fucking beautiful
  18. the SV is one of the easiest bikes to wheelie in 2nd gear.. you can ride them out pretty far too... just clutch it up give it a little jerk at the same time and ride it out. remember cover your brake
  19. hensler racing over on east broad.. pm me for details
  20. im down.. they use to stunt downtown at some parking lot.. but im not sure if they go there anymore
  21. i can do stand ups.. not very high yet.. kinda awkward at first.. but its easier to balance in the long run. lets find a spot
  22. good job.. thats how i started.. youll be comin up higher and higher each day.. and gettin them to be a little bet longer. then bustin out the mile long stand ups lol. if ya wanna get together and practice some stuntin let me know. im looking for a good place to do so. o yeah and what ya ridin??
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