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Everything posted by 88lx5oh

  1. can i post for kenny 1.Buick 2.Buick 3.Buick 4.Buick 5.Chipotle
  2. 88lx5oh

    Don't buy gas?

    did that graemlins/thumb.gif
  3. 88lx5oh

    Don't buy gas?

    i believe the nation should have our rights. thats we are a FREE nation.. its been getting worse over time. its pissing me off.. its gonna be a dictatorship soon
  4. = the gay http://www.popularhotrodding.com/features/0404phr_dodge/
  5. 88lx5oh

    Don't buy gas?

    im stating my opinion on the situation... is free speach not allowed in america? o wait its heading that way. since bush took over the FCC has been crackin down on free speach in the media. oo what a "free" world we live in now a days. i will freely speak my mind about bush all i want. and it does pertain to the topic. Bush is the reason gas prices have risen. end. of. story.
  6. 88lx5oh

    Don't buy gas?

    Bush used this attack on america and the war as a ploy to make himself a saviour. And it sucks cause i dont want that dick kerry in the white house either, he is a moron.. so america will be goign to hell in a hand basket till another JFK pops up
  7. 88lx5oh

    Don't buy gas?

    this war is just a way for bush to stimulate the economy, in the past when war's have broke out, the economy flourished, so is it any big surprise that since th WTC got hit, the economy has gone to hell, and they only way to stimulate it is a war *end rant*
  8. catholic mythology is good
  9. 88lx5oh

    Don't buy gas?

    if Bush wasnt such a petrol hungry dictator, then we wouldnt be in this problem. get bush out of the white house means fuel prices go down. since he has been elected nothing but trouble has arose. I personally belive this war is not for the good of the country, but to benefit himself. he is an oil hungry war mongor. he wants total control of the nation and all the oil. *end rant*
  10. 88lx5oh

    bike day

    my bike faster than yours... end. of. story.
  11. 88lx5oh

    bike day

    maybe we can set up a bike day for all the fellow 2 wheelers on CR. meet for lunch then a cruise to somewhere and back. all day deal. anyone interested??
  12. i want a se-r again
  13. so want this car http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=2478697210&category=6401#mainImage
  14. uploaded video = better than uploaded photos
  15. whats that whistling sound comin from the vw
  16. well how can i get ahold of tank.. i need a price check
  17. lets see them in all the glory
  18. its jsut a ploy to get you to buy more
  19. got a brace off my bike, from frame to windscreen. you can see it in my sig. its yellow. well it was i stripped alot of it off and started the polishing process, but got lazy and want someone else to finish it. who wants to do it. would like it to come out pretty clean.
  20. i got a 900 motor that can go on there
  21. i got a 900 motor that can go on there
  22. you all are gay for continuing a alien vs predator conversation... end. of. story.
  23. 88lx5oh

    Holy crap!!

  24. 88lx5oh

    Sunday 5/16/04

    cant quite leave your vagina behind.. its between your legs
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