people can be as hurtful towards me as they want. words are words. these things do not affect the person i am, or will be. i am my own person and will continue to be. i dont think racial slurrs, or offensice things said are right. but i will stand up for what i beleive in. and i beleive this democracy is goign to shit. i dont beleive our goverment is going in the right direction, and i dont think Bush is making very wise choices, or choices for the right reason.
im not tryin to come off hostile, i jsut wish the lazy people of this society would get off their asses realize and do something about this society. If that would even help.
Todays politics are insane, i dont feel as if voting is even a fair situtation anymore, wiht all the recounts and missing chads.. whatever the gay is going on. voters will not get a real outcome. hence why i do not vote.
i think assertive action should be taken to replace the idiocy we call president, so our nation, our government, our society can better itself. and our economy can be what it once was.
and like i said before... I dislike bush and everything he stands for, but i would not want to see Kerry in the white house either. so im not one sided.