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Everything posted by TurboRust

  1. theres one with black wheels that parks downtown mon-fri on long st right between 4th and grant
  2. can't believe it's taken this long Dan, goodluck
  3. prolly not the best idea but I've done it as well..keep a close eye on falling air pressures though...check em before every pass
  4. replace battery and test the alternator as soon as you do.. if its producing over 14.2-14.4 volts you probably have an issue
  5. do I hear crickets in here?
  6. part number HB155N.580 pm me how much and how fast you can get em... cheapest I've seen online is about 68 shipped
  7. we dont plug, we patch... and is your car ever going to be done?
  8. thats tasty.. just cause I sell tires doesn't mean thats all I do honey. BTW let me know when the mustang you built cuts 1.59 60' and runs 11.36.
  9. why did you even have to post this with gearhead in your sig? could he not do the plugs with you swinging off of his nuts the whole time.. flame suit on...redysetgo
  10. i just checked it on my carfax(not really) and it said pacificas are junk..run. dont walk, run.
  11. glad everyones semi ok.. on a side note.. were you getting gas at sonoco with two cops staring at me driving down main st? if that was you the car was looking good
  12. dont care what they say or look like just need 4 on the cheap that fit any of the mach 1 wheels, bullit wheels and so on.
  13. me too leave a spot in the trailer
  14. quickcrete was the plan, but we plan on tiling it and I was afraid of getting the grade too steep or not steep enough. I have someone coming to look at it this weekend I'll let you guys know how it turns out
  15. lemme know when you're ready to get that thing tracking straight
  16. we've redone the whole bathroom and I've been waiting on someone to do this for well over a couple months and its holding us back very badly. I need a shower pan poured 27"x54" the drain is already laid in the concrete floor. I'm not rich but can pay someone that knows what they're doing. pm me a price or if you wanna come look at it.
  17. found the tps looks like they're 30-31 new 15 and its yours
  18. sucks, i tboned someone in my mint ass 87 (his fault) YOURS http://memimage.cardomain.com/member_images/12/web/3168000-3168999/3168146_3.jpg MINE http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e91/Turborust/tbird4.jpg i almost cried until I bought the mach1 http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e91/Turborust/newblue.jpg
  19. i think i have a stock one brand new..lemme check...whend you get a TC?
  20. pretty sure its sold guys.. thanks for helping him out
  21. appears to be a charles daly field vr-mc gun says 20 gauge 3" kbi-hbg,pa made in turkey heres a couple pics http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e91/Turborust/gun1.jpg http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e91/Turborust/gun2.jpg he needs to sell tonight/tomorrow asap throw him an offer
  22. he said its def semi auto, pretty sure it has a duck choke on it and holds 4 shells. I'll have pics later around 6-7 pm
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