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Everything posted by TurboRust

  1. pro bend a lip replace a lip bend a barrel replace just a barrel 3pc wheels can be built to any lip size and offset the face or style of the wheel can be changed down the road if the barrel is in good shape cons. price price price
  2. Clay they're 3pc wheels which =$$$$$ try to find something similar in a 1pc wheel and it will fit your budget much better i'm sure.. unless you want to spend as much on wheels and tires as you did the whole car
  3. We had a Ford flex, loved it especially the space and how it drove like a car... I would suggest the awd version though. The Fwd version even with good michelin tires was kinda like trying to pull a fat kid on a sled in the snow
  4. If not takes some brake cleaner and spray down the intake and vacuum lines to check for leaks you may not be seeing..
  5. Fords will throw lean codes when oil rots through the pcv elbows and allows a post m.a.f. air leak, check those at the valve covers and intake connections
  6. Andy if you're honest about all the repairs that are needed I don't see anything immoral about it... think about your time parting it out when it could be sold whole with known problems for 1500 at least
  7. Anyone on here that can answer some basic questions for me about filing properly? Shoot me a pm Thanks, Derek
  8. Time Warner and DirecTV are the only tv options where we live in Baltimore. We just moved in March and have brand new equipment. We wet with DirecTV for t.v. and Time Warner for internet. Our biggest issue is that Time Warner and DirecTV blame each other for the issue of DirecTV not being able to connect to the wifi in order for us to use any on-demand or movie-ordering services. We frequently lose signal in heavy rain and if it snows we have to clear off the dish outside of snow and ice. The price is pretty good. We cancelled all movie channels after their free trial and pay under $100/mo after tax and fees. It's a 2-year contract, and we are definitely hoping for more options once our contract is up in about 15 months. Other providers are slowly making their way to our area.
  9. Thanks Eric, Between the weather and the older 1996 truck that is being replaced as we speak, it has been a little challenging, but we are staying busy. Joe lemme know when you're ready
  10. No its the cell phone racing game where a turbo kit costs 29,000
  11. 2-215-60-16 blizzaks with 40% tread $60 2-245-65-17 cooper m+s snows with 70% tread $100
  12. cobra diff with carbon fiber clutches, cheap and rebuildable. I have a 31 spline one with chewed up spider gears if you want a fresh housing to rebuild cheap.
  13. mods close this, i'm yelling at ryan via text right now...lol
  14. saw your for sale posts saying turbo project was scrapped?
  15. project scrapped? what happened?
  16. Name: Jeff Occupation: TCP/IP Engineer Vehicles: 4 Door Saloon come on man you gotta maintain you shit like the other dudes in your industry... Name: The Jones Join Date: Nov 2001 Location: Out there. Occupation: Network Engineer Vehicles: BRZSLOW Name: Biggu Join Date: Jul 2004 Location: Gahanna Occupation: Network Admin Vehicles: 1.5jz SC300, 08 IS-F you're letting down the IT crew
  17. camber wear cause you own a euro sports sedan that they say ..ehhhh meh german... shift the whole subframe to equalize camber.. no need for individual adjustment. and no I wouldnt mix and match tires. I own a 2wd...awd jeep because previous owners thought it was ok to replace just 2 tires at a time. from tire rack The ability of four-wheel drive and all-wheel drive vehicles to divide the engine's horsepower between its four tires is especially useful on loose or slippery surfaces such as sand and dirt, as well as on wet, icy or snow-covered roads. However it's important to remember that in order to transfer this extra power, the four-wheel drive and all-wheel drive vehicle's driveline mechanically connects the tires so they work in unison. Four-wheel drive and all-wheel drive vehicles are equipped with additional differentials and/or viscous couplings that are designed to allow momentary differences in wheel speeds when the vehicle turns a corner or temporarily spins a tire. However, if the differentials or viscous couplings are forced to operate 100% of the time because of mismatched tires, they will experience excessive heat and unwarranted wear until they fail. This necessitates that four-wheel drive and all-wheel drive vehicles use tires that are very closely matched. This is because different diameter tires roll a different number of times each mile as a result of the variations in their circumferences. Tire diameter variations can be caused by accidentally using different sized tires, tires with different tread designs, tires made by different manufacturers, different inflation pressures or even tires worn to different tread depths. As an example of different tire diameters resulting from tires worn to different tread depths, we'll compare two 225/45R17-sized tires, a new tire with its original tread depth of 10/32-inch and a second tire worn to 8/32-inch of remaining tread depth. The new 225/45R17-sized tire has a calculated diameter of 24.97", a circumference of 78.44" and will roll 835 times each mile. The same tire worn to 8/32-inch of remaining tread depth is calculated to be 1/8" shorter with a diameter of 24.84", have a circumference of 78.04" and will roll 839 times per mile. While the difference of 1/8" in overall diameter doesn't seem excessive, the resulting 4 revolutions per mile difference can place a continuous strain on the tires and vehicle's driveline. Obviously, the greater the difference in the tires' circumferences, the greater the resulting strain. This makes maintaining the vehicle manufacturer's recommended tire inflation pressures and using "matched" tires on all wheel positions necessary procedures to reduce strain on the vehicle's driveline. Using "matched" tires means all four tires are the same brand, design and tread depth. Mixing tire brands, tread designs and tread depths may cause components in the vehicle's driveline to fail. Mismatched tires or using improper inflation pressures for all-wheel drive and four-wheel drive vehicles can also result in immediate drivability problems. Some Control Trac equipped vehicles in 4Auto mode may exhibit a shutter on acceleration and/or a noise from the front driveline and transfer case while driving. Some all-wheel drive and four-wheel drive vehicles may exhibit axle windup or binding while driving. Some four-wheel drive vehicles (manual or electronic shift) with a two-wheel drive mode may refuse to shift "on the fly" into 4x4 Auto or 4x4 High at highway speeds. Audi-As published in their vehicle owner's manual, "rolling radius of all 4 tires must remain the same" or within 4/32-inch of each other in remaining tread depth.
  18. Came back after work to watch aaron defend his vag, found this, and lol'd
  19. Ehh 20/21 I think so 11k difference
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