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Everything posted by Bgbdbn

  1. LOL, I think I would be alright. I think Im leaning towards the 360 just want to weigh the options
  2. I have been thinking about getting a game console. I play games on PC right now but I want to get a console also. What would you guys get. The XBOX, Wii, or Playstation? What are the pros and cons of each? I dont know much about any of them but I have played the XBOX 360 a few times and it was pretty cool. Thanks
  3. That sites pretty cool.
  4. Looks to be a lot of cool parts.
  5. I have this one and it does a great job. It has a hand held attachment that has spinning brushes and a shampoo sprayer, its kind of like a mini version of the unit its attached too. And it does a great job on your floors in your house. http://www.hoover.com/product.aspx?model=F5914900&ds=false#
  6. Thats pretty cool. I bet it wouldnt cost too much to make. Just a lot of work.
  7. I would go for a Mercedes-Benz CLS63 AMG
  8. Pics please. What year?
  9. I would go for the BMW. According to the article they spent .45 euro more to drive the Prius. Classy car versus econo tin can and the tin can does worse on the drive. http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y288/Bgbdbn/2005_BMW_5Series_01.jpghttp://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y288/Bgbdbn/prius2.jpg
  10. You wouldnt think you would need an air traffic controller for people in trucks and on bikes. Pretty cool video.
  11. Southern California is the land of expensive cars. Its awesome. I was on the 55 freeway heading to Newport Beach last summer and passed or got passed by three GT40s a few Lambos and Ferraris and a Mercedes SLR McLaren stopped next to me at the red light. And the Porches and regular Mercedes seem to be the normal cars there, kinda like your economy cars here. Its pretty cool.
  12. Bgbdbn

    Obama Tax Return

    Click here buddy he clearly didnt to it throughout the whole thing. http://i166.photobucket.com/albums/u90/snopesbinary/Politics/th_abc_obama_anthem_071022a.jpg
  13. Bgbdbn

    Obama Tax Return

    I would think you would be proud to do that if you wanted to be the president of the country the Pledge of Allegiance stands for. Yes He's a fuck
  14. Yes, but I would be in danger of popping wood at any moment
  15. I hate to break it to you but the union construction companies arent doing it. Union and non union construction companies bid on the same jobs around the city. The bid goes to the lowest bidder. If a union company gets the job does that mean they are raping the public, I dont think so, I would guess they bid lower than the other companies. They just pay their employees better. Is that a bad thing? And not too many non union companies have the resources of calling up other locals to get enough skilled employees to build a power plant. I wouldnt go blaming everything on the unions. The case may be different in the auto industry but in the construction industry the unions are competing against the non union companies for the same projects. It all comes down to the lowest bidder.
  16. Bgbdbn


    Andersons had a few last weekwhen I was there.
  17. http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y288/Bgbdbn/davidhasselhof.jpg
  18. Bgbdbn

    Wild Ride

    Must have fixed the four wheel drive.
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