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Everything posted by Bgbdbn

  1. Bgbdbn


    Anyone know of a good hotel in Cleveland? I would like one that is kinda nice with a view of Lake Erie if possible that isnt going to be outrageous on the price. Thanks.
  2. Thanks a lot man, this has helped me a bunch.
  3. Bgbdbn

    The plunge...

    Congratulations man!!!
  4. Im wanting to get one of my blocks bored. I want to spend as little as I have to but still get a good job. Where do you guys go to get this done? About how much does it cost? The block is a Dodge 383. Thanks
  5. I agree, looks like the bars are missing.
  6. Bob Motz probably wont be anywhere real soon with his semi. He burnt it up. Click here
  7. Bgbdbn

    CR Water Day???

    I have a little black speed boat. I would be up for some fun. :burn:
  8. Awesome, thanks guys.
  9. I am wanting to install a second hard drive in my computer. Is there anything special i have to do other than plug it in? Will the computer recognize it has another hard drive and thats it? I have heard of software that automaticly backs up everything you save, any advice on which one to get. Thanks
  10. I agree, mine was cutting out a bit in rain. Just adjusted the dish and havent had any problems.
  11. Just got plates for my trailer. Lady at BMV told me anything over 4000 pounds needs a title and anything under that just needs a bill of sale to get plates.
  12. Take a drive. Look in allies, peoples yards, behind barns ect... You will be surprised at what you will find.
  13. Just curious when you noticed the mpg drop. Is it only in the winter? Or is it throughout the year with the new fuel? I always drop a few mpg in the winter due to the winter blend fuel.
  14. Congratulations on the new addition!
  15. What are your thoughts on a 2005 Grand Cherokee Limited? This particular Jeep is 4X4 and equiped with the Hemi. Any thoughts are welcome, good or bad. Thanks
  16. Go to a recreation center. I did this for quite awhile. Columus recreation and parks rec centers has it, just call them up and they will be able to help you. You have to join Boxing USA which i think is $25 a year and that covers insurance and things.
  17. I have these same noises when it gets cold out. My noises are coming from my deck most of the time. Im guessing that its the wood moving around with the temerature change. The past few days the house has been making the same noises as the deck, hope it doesnt fall apart.
  18. I sent a dozen roses in a nice vase to her work.
  19. Just tell them you dont get paid for your time off of work. I did that and got excused and have never gotten another jury duty letter.
  20. Bring on the snow, if its going to be cold I want snow.
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