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Everything posted by Bgbdbn

  1. http://www.futurehorizons.net/FLAM_lg.jpg
  2. I would loved to have seen the guys face when opened the package.
  3. You should have used your phone to call the police. He is probably going to go back to his car before those other people and just take your notes you left for them.
  4. I can see them being the next featured family on the Jerry Springer show.
  5. Brings new meaning to "cyber sex".
  6. That is not right. There should be rules for people to abide by before they are allowed to buy a web cam.
  7. Bgbdbn

    red eclipse

    Maybe he is pissed that you skipped english class. That is truly hard to read.
  8. Bgbdbn


    I only use Autometer. Yes they can get expensive. But when you are over revving and dont know it, how expensive can that get?
  9. I have never claimed it. They take enough from me as it is.
  10. Thats pretty cool to see somebody get one of those and actually drive it and not make it a trailer queen.
  11. Should have super glued his hand to that chicks leg at the end of the video.
  12. This is pretty cool, good find :thumbup:
  13. They really need to stay in math class also. A Crossfire does not have a 16 valve engine. 6 cylinders with 16 valves is 2.6 valves per cylinder. It does have three valves per cylinder though. You would think that they took all that time to make the video and list specs and mods that they would take a little bit of time and read the owners manual.
  14. For $85,000 you can just go and get an old vette.
  15. Hope its not a repost. Click me
  16. Pretty sure this is it. Hope it helps. Process Division Inc. (614) 443-9788 1915 S High St
  17. The place im thinking of has Process in the name of it. I just cant think of the rest of the name. This place has 304, 308, and 316 fittings. Its not a really noticable building. Ill see if I cant find the name of the place and post it later.
  18. There is a place on South High St. They handle all sorts of stainless. I cant remember the name of the place right off hand but if you are going South on South High it is on the right just as you start to go over the overpass before Rt 104. I think there is a carry out or drive though or something across the street on the east side of South High from it.Ill look up the name of the place later. They have just about any fitting you want, in many grades and gauges of stainless.
  19. I have the Silverstars in the Jeep and like them a lot. Ive had them in there for a little over three years now with no problems.
  20. No doubt, anything used would be better than a new Scion. And A LOT faster.
  21. I wonder if the things you put over your lap top screens to block people from veiwing from an angle would work on lisence plates.
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